Boyle Community Notes 11/9/15

The Family Life Centre is the venue for the healthy eating for kid’s morning on Wednesday 16th September 10.30am until 12pm. Easy meals for busy Mums and Dads choosing healthy food within a reasonable budget! Cost €5.
Tour the Historic King House, Boyle with concert and Yeats Poetry all for free on Friday 18th September with Therese Fahy, Irelands leading international female pianist, will play an exciting mixture of old and new piano masterpieces at King House on Friday 18th September at 8pm admission Free. A highlight will be a piece by Roscommon based composer Siobhan Cleary, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of WB Yeats. Dublin-born concert pianist Therese enjoys an active performing career at home and abroad. Recently described by the Irish Times as a tour de force, her regular recital and concerto appearances throughout Europe and the United States have met with critical acclaim, as have her numerous broadcast for both RTE and BBC.
Culture night in the Library will consist of crafting demonstrations including Quilting and basket making on Friday 18th September from 5pm until 8pm. Culture night is brought to you by the Departments of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Oireachtas na Gaeilge and Foras na Gaeilge in partnership with Roscommon County Council and supported by the Arts Council.
The next meeting of the walking club will take place on Saturday 26th and Sunday27th September meeting on the Crescent, Boyle at 11am. This will be a Open Weekend consisting of Forest, Climb, Flat A & B with your Leader’s being Philip James 086 3353 000 and Tom Browne 087 2379 632 who can be contacted for further details.
Fancy some gentle exercise and something to put a smile on your face, well The Elderberries weekly movement and dance sessions for the over 55’s are back in action in King House, Boyle: Thursday 24th September 11am until 12noon. Newcomers are welcome at a cost of €10. Why not pop into King House and give it a try. For further information call 071 9663 242 or text 087 3267 860.
Speech and Drama classes will begin in the Convent Primary School, Boyle on Thursday evenings from October 1st. Classes for all age groups from Infants to Leaving Cert. Enrolment will be taking place on September 24th at 6pm in the Convent Primary School. For further information contact: 071 966 6040.
The 20th annual Run Walk n Roll event in aid of Cancer Research will take place in Boyle on Sunday 11th October. With the event celebrating 20 years it would be great to see a big turnout of all ages on the day so get on your training shoes with 5 weeks to go. Any novelty ideas welcome, more details to follow.
The Market is open from 10am to 2pm each and every Saturday in the grounds of King House, Boyle. If you would like to enjoy the best locally grown fresh and organic produce, then a trip to Boyle Farmers’ Market on Saturday should be on your agenda. There is a wide range of seasonal produce, including organic fruit and vegetables, homemade jams and marmalade, organic free range eggs, fruit juices, gluten free/ sour dough/ spelt bread and all kinds of delicious home bakes are available every week. Alongside the food stalls are a number of crafters selling their handmade wares, personalized candles and knitwear. So why not come along and have a chat with the stall holders and avail of their ideas. For further information please a call Una Bhan on 071 9663 033.
On Sunday 6th September saw the King Cup won by Sean Heslin with a great score of 45pts, 2nd Martin Wynne 42pts, Gross Patrick Egan, 3rd Padraig O’Connell 42pts.Thursday 3rd September night Mens Competition was won by Vincent Egan with 22pts, 2nd Killian Doyle 22pts, 3rd Brendan Gaffney 21pts. Fridays Scramble was won by Brendan Gaffney, Joyce Boles, and David Boles & Susan. The weekly nine hole re-commences on Monday September 21st and can be played Monday – Saturday. Entry €5.00 re-entry €3.00. A new Mixed Foursomes competition for the Boyle Motor Works Cup takes places on Saturday/Sunday September 19th/20th. Players pick their own partners and arrange opposites. Full details are on club notice board. The club outing to Portumna takes place on Saturday October 3rd, details on notice board. Thanks to all who helped with the sanding of the greens last week. At the presentation of prizes last Sunday 6th September Niall Kearney was presented with the King Harmon Trophy following his win over Lionel Lynn in the final. Lionel was presented with a runners-up prize. The August draw was won by Denis & Mary O’Donnell €70, runners up James Shivnan & Pat Conroy. Thanks to all who took part and good luck in the September draw.
Every Tuesday evening in St. Josephs Hall Boyle at 8.30pm until 10.30pm. €1000 Jackpot to be won every week.
Are you looking for a new job? Are you having difficulty putting together your CV? Would you like some help? Then why not call into the Úna Bhán office in the grounds of King House, Boyle, where we will be delighted to give you any help, advice or information we can. A good CV could make all the difference in getting your job application through to the interview stage. We have a template and sheet of helpful tips to guide you through the process. We will also type your CV if you cannot do this yourself. Or you may just want to call in for a chat about your CV. All information will be treated in the strictest of confidence. For more details, contact Úna Bhán Tourism on 071 9663033. We also offer office services such as Photo Copying, Scanning, Laminating, Typing, Faxing, Binding and Printing are carried out at the Una Bhan office in the grounds of King House, for further information please contact the office on 071 9663033.