€133k for Roscommon communities
Fine Gael Senator Frank Feighan has said more than €133,000 will be provided to disadvantaged communities in rural and urban areas in Roscommon through the Community Enhancement Programme,
Typical enhancements under the Community Enhancement Programme could include the renovation of community centres, community amenities, improvements to town parks and common areas and spaces, CCTV equipment and energy efficiency projects
“This new scheme will provide funding to communities in to enhance facilities in disadvantaged areas. Some of the funding is ring-fenced for smaller projects, from lawnmowers and IT equipment to minor renovations in buildings. It also provides funding to contribute to larger projects in disadvantaged areas. This programme helps support important work by communities across Roscommon.
“Fine Gael is committed to ensuring that rural Ireland is supported, so that it can achieve its full potential across a wide-range of areas. The funding is provided to Roscommon County Council and applications for funding can be made to the Local Community Development Committee who will decide on projects in a manner consistent with the Local Economic and Community Plan.
“The Community Enhancement Programme builds on and replaces the Communities Facilities Scheme and the RAPID programme that were launched last year by the Department. The amalgamated scheme has been put in place following consultation with the 33 Local Community Development Committees across the country. An increased level of funding has been provided to each area.
“Last year, Roscommon received €64,500 under the RAPID Scheme so today’s allocation represents a significant increase on 2017.The closing date for applications is 5pm on Monday 30th July 2018.”