Musical rehearsals continue tonight

Boyle Musical Society’s forthcoming production of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ which will be staged from November 23rd to 25th in St. Joseph’s Church, Boyle.
Rehearsals continue tonight October 9th in St. Joseph’s Hall at 8pm and a warm welcome is extended to all new, former and existing members to join up for twelve unforgettable weeks of music, singing, drama, dancing, comedy and lots more….
Rehearsals take place in the Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings.
Meanwhile, Boyle Musical Society are looking for children to take part in ‘Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’, which will be staged in November.
We are specifically looking for girls and boys from 5th class and 6th class and we will be holding a special workshop for them, which will take place on Sunday, September 24th in St. Joseph’s Hall.
This is a two-hour workshop with our production team and we would ask any children interested, to be in the Hall at 4pm on that date. Latecomers will not be admitted and the workshop will conclude at 6pm.
‘Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ will be staged in St. Joseph’s Church, from November 23rd to 25th.
(pic Benny Morgan)