New Boyle bus has 39 local stops

The recently launched Boyle Round Town Bus service is currently in operation Monday to Friday.
This is a Hail and Ride Service and passengers who wish to use the service just need to stand out and put up their hand for the bus to stop.
The Bus will stop where it is safe to do so along all the routes listed on the two timetables here and here
Fares cost €1 per adult and 50c per child with travel passes accepted.
There are 39 Stops on the Boyle Round Town Timetable.
According to Camilla Kelly from Local Link “Local residents of Boyle understanding the area and its locations and the one way systems in place, would be able to ascertain the direction of the bus along the route and passing their own residential area on a daily basis”.
“The Bus goes to the Lough Key Forest Park and back four times daily and passes through and by the Marina and Abbeytown and Drumderrig Nursing Home and the Drum Road and onto Gate 1 and Gate 2 to and from Rockingham 8 times.”
“If residents want to go into Town and up to the Cresent and back from the Cresent and King House Bus Stop and all along this area: Forest View, the Warren, the Canal, the area beside the Marina back into Abbeytown and then Drumderrig and Drum Road – they simply stand out and Hail and Ride at any location along this route where it is safe to do so and the Bus will Stop.” concluded Ms Kelly.