Planning sought for Boyle wind turbines

Planning permission is being sought from Roscommon County Council by Curlew Energy Limited for two wind turbines outside Boyle.
The development will consist of the construction of:
2 no. wind turbines (turbine tip height 150m and rotor diameter of 138m) with associated foundations and crane hardstand areas and all associated development including 1 no. substation control building
1 no. permanent meteorological mast (80m height) and associated foundation, hardstand area and ancillary main crane hardstand area
1,304m of new internal site service roads, underground electric cabling systems between turbines within the wind farm site
3.75km of overground electric cabling system and 1.53km of underground electric cabling system between the wind farm site and connection point at existing 38 kV ESBN substation in Boyle,
1 no. new site access/entrance off the L-1248 local road at the western boundary to facilitate construction and access
1 no. temporary construction site compound (750m2)
4 no. peat / spoil deposition areas for storage of excess excavated peat materials, associated surface water management system, tree felling to facilitate site development, temporary works on sections of the public road network along the turbine delivery route (including hedge or tree cutting, relocation of powerlines / poles, lampposts, signage and local road widening) and all associated site works (an NIS and an EIAR have been submitted in respect of the application) at the townlands of Leam, Ballybaun,, Harepark, Ardcorcoran, Grange Beg, Knockadoobrusna, Ballytrasna, Cashelfinoge and Greatmeadow, Co. Roscommon.
The application was lodged with Roscommon County Council on October 21st with a decision due on or around 15th December 2021.
(File photograph for display purpose only)