
Lots to see over Boyle sky tonight

Those looking skywards over Boyle tonight will hopefully get to see the ‘Blood Moon’, the International Space Station and the planet Mars at its brightest.

The lunar eclipse will see the moon line up with the Earth and sun, with the moon taking on a red glow hence the name “Blood Moon’.

The lunar eclipse will be the longest in the 21st century.

The best time to view the moon will be from 9.30pm to 11.20pm

Mars will also be at its brightest on Friday night directly below the ‘Blood Moon’.

The Space Station should be visible for six minutes in clear skies over Boyle tonight Friday 27th at 11.05pm as one looks south east.

It will also be visible a few hours later at 00.42am (south west) and on Saturday night at 10.13pm (east) and 11.49pm (south east)

The sightings will be visible where clear skies prevail.

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