The Boyle’d Pot 6/5/’16

Summer pop up shops
We are all concerned at the level of vacant buildings here in the centre of Boyle and the visual impact closed premises have on the tourist and locals alike. Residents of Boyle have become accustomed to premises no longer in operation but commercial vacancy is a major concern, not only in Boyle, but throughout rural Ireland. Rest assured the issue is high on the agenda of the Town Team and their lead authority – Roscommon County Council who are presently working on the problem. If we are to stamp out dereliction and low occupancy, we have to come up with some novel ideas. So for this summer, how about drawing up a list of tourist related seasonal pop up shops that would open up vacant premises in Boyle town centre with emphasis on Main Street and St. Patrick Street? Some positive thoughts, willing landlords and a wish to improve the town are all that is needed. Get thinking folks!
Publicity around Cycle Against Suicide
Unfortunately, last week’s visit by the Cycle Against Suicide into Boyle did not receive as much publicity as it deserved. Apart from this website, it’s stop in Boyle got little mention in any other media. On Sunday, the day after the event, one local website (not disgracefully referred to the cyclists as akin to LGBT’s (Lesbians,Gays, Bisexual and Transgender) as the participants (cyclists) wore “tights and orange coloured tights”. Many involved with the cycle were hurt and sadenned at the comments, bearing in mind the sensitivity of what the cycle represents.
But for those who were lucky enough to witness the spectacle on Saturday, 500 cyclists in the aforementioned orange tops lined up on Abbey Terrace was a moving experience. Each participant had a story to tell about suicide and felt their participation was a way of expressing solidarity with the need to highlight suicide awareness. While stopped at Boyle Abbey and later in Rockingham, many spoke about the scenery in the area and said they were not aware previously of the beauty around Boyle and it’s hinterland. Hopefully many will return again to visit.
Family Sports Day on Saturday
It looks like the weather may hold out for tomorrow’s (Saturday) Community Games Sports Day in the College Field at 3pm. No doubt there are parents training all winter for the eagerly awaited mothers and fathers races! Boyle has a long association with Community Games and the organisation would not exist locally were it not for the dedication of a number of parents and interested individuals who keep the Games alive in Boyle. Sports Day’s are all part and parcel of growing up and an integral element of community life. Please make a special effort to bring your children along to the Abbey Community College field at 3pm on Saturday for what promises to be a competitive but enjoyable afternoon.
The need to open on Sunday (and Monday)
It is heartening to see a CIE Tour bus parked on St. Patrick Street every Monday while passengers enjoy lunch in Clarke’s Bar. The passengers are part of an 15 day tour that overnight’s in Kilronan Castle. The visits to Boyle will continue until October. Following lunch in Clarke’s the tourists are brought on a tour of Boyle Abbey. For whatever reason, King House is not on the itineary which is regretable as it would prolong the visit to Boyle thus giving an opportunity to let them see more of what is on offer. While on the subject of King House, and it was referred to previously in this blog, it is imperative that efforts are made to have the facility opened on Sunday’s. The busiest day of the week for touring sees one of our main attractions remain closed as the majority of restaurants and food outlets in the town follow suit. We will never get tourists into Boyle if our facilities are closed. Likewise, a rota system should be put in place, and publicised, that sees one or at least two restaurants open in Boyle all day Sunday and Monday evening throughout the summer period.
Discover Ireland video of Lough Key
Last Friday’s Anton Savage show was broadcast from Lough Key Forest Park. Unfortunately for one reason or another, no advance publicity was issued to this website about the visit which was a shame really as all outlets should be availed of to publicise any national event taking place in Boyle. Discover Ireland released a video during the week (see Boyletoday facebook page) of last Friday’s broadcast showing Lough Key in all it’s glory.
Also in the Park, congratulations to those responsible for the long overdue Caravan and Camping park upgrade. The facilities had become dated but the new toilets, washing area and improved recreational block is most welcome. It is now up to the people of Boyle to get their PR material and special offers out to the Park to entice the visitors into our town.
No Darkness into Light walk in Boyle
One wonders whay there is no Darkness into Light walk in Boyle tomorrow Saturday? There are walks in Castlerea, Ballaghaderreen and Roscommon town but none here in Boyle. Back in 2014, what seemed like a very successful event took place in Lough Key Forest Park, a venue which lends itself perfectly for an early morning walk. You can view details of the walks that are being held in Roscommon in the “Around the County” section on the homepage of this website.
And finally….!
A couple who work at the circus go to an adoption agency.
Social workers there raise doubts about their suitability.
The couple produce photos of their 50 foot motorhome, which is equipped with a beautiful nursery.
The social workers then are doubtful about the education that the child would get.
“We’ve arranged for a full-time tutor who will teach the child all the usual subjects along with French, Mandarin and computer skills.”
Then there are doubts about raising a child in a circus environment.
“Our nanny is an expert in paediatric welfare and diet.”
The social workers are finally satisfied.
They ask, “What age child are you hoping to adopt?”
“It doesn’t really matter, as long as he fits in the cannon.