
Drumming Circle meet in Boyle

A new ‘Drumming Circle’ has been set up in Boyle.

It is hoped to meet monthly in the Spool Factory, commencing tonight Wednesday June 13th.

Ten reasons why drumming is good for you:

1. Makes you happy. Participate in a drum circle or take a cardio drumming class and you will see how happy it makes you. Drumming releases endorphins, enkephalins and Alpha waves in the brain, which are associated with general feelings of well-being and euphoria.

2. Induces deep relaxation. In one study, blood samples from participants who participated in an hour-long drumming session revealed a reversal in stress hormones.

3. Helps control chronic pain. Drumming can certainly serve as a distraction from pain. And, it promotes the production of endorphins and endogenous opiates, which are the body’s own morphine-like painkillers.

4. Boosts your immune system. Studies show that drumming circles boost the immune system. Barry Bittman, MD, neurologist and President of the Yamaha Music & Wellness Institute, has shown that group drumming actually increases natural T-cells, which help the body combat cancer as well as other viruses, including AIDS.

5. Creates a sense of connectedness. Drumming circles and group drumming classes provide an opportunity for “synchronicity” in that you connect with your own spirit at a deeper level while also connecting with other like-minded people.

6. Aligns your body and mind with the natural world. The Greek origin of the word “rhythm” is “to flow.” Drumming allows you to flow with the rhythms of life by simply feeling the beat.

7. Provides a way to access a higher power. Shamans often use drumming as a means to integrate mind, body and spirit. They focus on the whole body and then integrate the healing at both the physical and spiritual level by drumming, which connects spiritual forces.

8. Releases negative feelings. The act of drumming can serve as a form of self-expression. You can literally drum out your feelings. When held, negative emotions can form energy blockages. The physical stimulation of hitting the drums can help remove those blockages. Drumming has even been used therapeutically to help addicts deal with their emotions.

9. Puts you in the present moment. While drumming you are moving your awareness toward the flow of life. When you are flowing with the rhythm of life you cannot be caught up in your past or worrying about your future.

10. Allows for personal transformation. Drumming stimulates creative expression.

The Boyle Drumming Circle  is honoured to have one of Ireland’s leading Drum Circle Facilitators, Debbie Beirne, agree to come and share her skills with us in mid-June.

Debbie has been facilitating community music events in Ireland for over 15 years and has a BA (Hon) in Social Studies, and an MA Special Award (Level 9) in ‘Recovery In Mental Health’ and ‘Behaviours That Challenge’. She is a qualified Person Centred Facilitator and has trained with a wide number of community music teachers both in Ireland, the UK and Europe.

Drums will be provided and this event is over 18 only.

Places are limited so to book please email [email protected] or comment on Boyle Drumming Facebook page.


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