Boyle cyclists compete in Leitrim

There was a great representation from the Curlieu Wheelers club and a number of additional Boyle cyclists at Sunday’s 5th annual Tour de Breffini from Leitrim village.
Those who undertook the 100k route had the option this year of climbing Corry Mountain which proved very challenging.
A number of club members also completed in the 50k event.
Well done to our neighbours in Leitrim Cycling Club on another great day out.
The cycling season is now in wind down mode with only a small number of events remaining.
On Saturday, the Pure Mule challenge takes place, once again starting from Leitrim Village.
With club secretary Brian McMahon heavily involved in it’s organisation, there will hopefully be a large Boyle turnout for the worthwhile event which is in aid of suicide awareness.
Further details on Curlieu Wheelers Facebook page and on this website closer to the weekend.
(pic shows some of those from Boyle who participated on Sunday)