Boyle Sport

Boyle golf club news

BONANZA- The Christmas Bonanza competition finally took place at the third time of asking on Sunday the 22nd of December. The weather conditions on the day were perfect, but the course itself presented a challenge due to the amount of rain that fell in the past few weeks. Liam Mullaney made light work of the heavy ground with a fine score of 26 points, laying claim to this years hamper for the overall winner. The winners were as follows- 1st Liam Mullaney 26, 2nd Sean Heslin 26, Best Gross Charlie O’Donnell 25, 3rd Tish Perry 25. Birdie Tree Charlie O’Donnell.

The prizes were given out in a presentation after the competition in the clubhouse by new mens’ Captain Lorcan Egan.

Padraig O’Connell was also presented with the King Harmon Cup after his final win a few weeks ago. Lorcan Egan received his prize for having come first in this years Winter League, and the team of Charlie O’Donnell, Ross Andrew, Seamus Gallagher and Tommy King were presented with the Drumderrig Cup.

FIXTURES – The other fixture in the club’s Christmas schedule is the annual Christmas Scramble, which takes place on the 27th of December , names to be entered in the draw at 12, with a “shotgun start” at 12.30. All members and golfing visitors are welcome and encouraged to attend, especially those in need of some fresh air after Stephens’ night.

MONTHLY DRAW – The recent winners were the following –

September – 1st Peggy Feely, 2nd Denis and Mary O’Donnell, 3rd Liam Whyte.

October – 1st Sean Heslin, 2nd Jim Mooney, 3rd Paddy Nangle.

November – 1st Martin Higgins, 2nd Paddy Nangle, 3rd Jim Mooney.

December – 1st Mary McKeon, 2nd Liam Mullaney, 3rd Liam Whyte

First places get 70 euro, 2nd and 3rd get 40 each.

All members are encouraged to join the monthly draw whose proceeds go towards the upkeep of the club, cost 10 euros per month. Bank details as follows –

Bank of Ireland, Main St, Boyle.

IBAN   IE59  BOFI 905328 22439700

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