
Boyle golf club news

MENS FIXTURES – The King Harmon Qualifying Rounds continued on the weekend of October 7th and 8th, results to follow. The 3rd round takes place next weekend.
Owen Garvin was the winner of the 1st round of the Qualifiers on the weekend of the 1st/2nd with a strong score of 41 points, 4 clear of 2nd placed Charlie O’Donnell. Gabriel Lavin came 3rd with 36 points.

AGMS – The Mens Club AGM will take place on the 5th of November, the Ladies AGM on the 12th, with the overall Club “Management” AGM on the 5th December. All the AGMs will be held at 5pm in the clubhouse on the appointed date. If you wish to join a committee, or propose a motion for the AGM, please make contact with a committee member and post your motion/nomination on the clubhouse notice board at least 7 days before the respective meeting. All committees would greatly welcome expressions of interest to join.

ROSCOMMON CUP – Well done to the Ladies section who hosted this years Roscommon Cup very successfully despite the challenging playing conditions.

BOYLE GAA AND LGFA – Sincere congratulations to the Boyle Mens and Ladies Gaelic Football teams who have both made it to their respective County Finals later this month. We wish all involved with the two teams every success.

MENS CAPTAINS OUTING – Liam Whyte has organised the annual Captains Outing for the men of the club for the weekend of November 11th and 12th, with Saturdays golf taking place in Esker Hills Golf Club just outside Tullamore. The golf on Sunday will be in Mount Temple Golf Club near Moate. Food in the clubhouses both days. Players are welcome to play in one or both of the competitions, prizes for both days. For those wishing to stay over, accommodation is the individuals responsibility,most bookings to date have been for the Tullamore Court Hotel. If you wish to go, please book your slot with Lorcan Egan by WhatsApp or put your name on the notice in the clubhouse.

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