Details announced of annual Garda Youth Awards

The Roscommon-Longford Garda Division, in association with Roscommon and Longford County Councils, is delighted to hold the fourth annual Roscommon-Longford Garda Youth Awards.
These annual awards celebrate outstanding young people between the ages of 13 and 21 years in our communities. An Garda Síochána, Roscommon-Longford, in conjunction with Roscommon and Longford County Councils, recognise that a lot of good work is being done by young people in every community throughout counties Roscommon and Longford.
Awards will be considered for nominated young people who by their presence, make their communities a better place to live. There will be four winners of the Roscommon-Longford Garda Youth Awards for 2022:
Individual – where a young person has made a positive contribution to their community making it a better place to live.
Group – where two or more made a positive contribution to their community making it a better place to live.
Special Achievement – where a young person has overcome difficult circumstances, defied all the odds and whose commitment deserves recognition.
Community Safety – where a young person or persons, through a crime prevention or safety initiative/innovation, have made their community a safer place to live in.
The nomination process is now open and An Garda Síochána in Roscommon and Longford are now inviting the public to nominate a young person or persons they know, who was committed to making a difference to their community during 2021.
The Judging Panel will decide upon one nominee in each category to go forward to represent the Division at the National Garda Youth Awards and their details will be forwarded to the Judging Panel of the National Awards.
Nomination forms (in typed format) and media consent forms should be emailed to: [email protected] or can be posted to the Community Policing Unit, Boyle Garda Station, Boyle, Co. Roscommon. All nominations must be received by 5pm on Wednesday, 15th June 2022.