Gardening Tips and Advice

Welcome to “Gardening Tips and Advice” with Ardcarne Garden Centre, a new weekly feature here on Every Wednesday, the experts in your local Ardcarne Garden Centre will provide relevant and topical items of interest to help you get the best from your garden.
Great to do now…
* Plant up a few sweet peas so you can pick bunches of their fragrant frilly flowers in summer. Provide some bamboo canes or netting for them to climb.
* Water newly planted shrubs or trees in any dry spells. It’s important to really soak the ground so that the water penetrates right down to the bottom roots.
* Spray roses with RoseClear to prevent them getting blackspot. Feed all roses now with a couple of handfuls of Rose Food to encourage lots of flowers.
* Mow the lawn if you haven’t done already and feed with a LAWN fertiliser such as HumberPalmers.
* Plant up a pot with herbs to enjoy snipping plenty of fresh, tasty leaves for the kitchen.
Focus on… GroMór
GroMór is a new nationwide initiative, in association with Bord Bia to promote the health benefits of growing and gardening for everybody. We’re passionate about growing here at Ardcarne Garden Centre and can help you start growing your own, whether you want to enjoy picking your own fruit and vegetables, or simply want to plant up a colourful container for your patio.
Home-grown goodness!
This is a perfect time to make a start growing your own fruit and vegetables and it’s so easy. Do you fancy picking your own sun-warmed strawberries in summer or perhaps a bunch of fresh herbs or salad leaves from right outside your own back door? Well everyone can enjoy these delicious pleasures, even if you are completely new to gardening.
It’s so easy!
Although sowing vegetable, salad and herb seeds is fun and rewarding, you may want to save time and buy ready-to-go baby vegetable plants, offering convenience and fast results. You’ll find all you favourite vegetable plants here at Ardcarne Garden Centre, including cabbages, cauliflower, kale, broccoli, beetroot, spinach, peas, salads and a great selection for growing under cover such as tomatoes and cucumbers.
For more information contact:
Ardcarne Garden Centre
Boyle, Tel: 071 96 67091
Roscommon Town: Tel: 090 66 27700
Email: [email protected]