GoFundMe page set up for Boyle Arts Festival 2023

The organisisng committee of Boyle Arts Festival are delighted to say that after many months of planning and organising, Boyle Arts Festival 2023 will offer a full, varied, high quality and exciting programme of events, workshops, Visual Art Exhibitions and pop-up galleries throughout the town, from July 21st to 29th.
The Festival is made possible by the hardworking committee, volunteers, artists, performers, technical crews and our sponsors, all of whom never fail to deliver.
BAF 2022 attracted over 10,000 people to the area and a generated over €150,000 into the local economy.
The success of Boyle Arts Festival is a combination of the support we receive from our loyal and dedicated audiences, together with the invaluable financial support of our sponsors, whom we truly are indebted to.
Our sponsors help ensure the continued success of the Festival. Please be assured that all sponsorship / donations / financial support received is sincerely appreciated.
For your convenience, we have once again set up a GoFundMe page and we hope that you will consider contributing to this fundraising effort as you have in the past and help make the 10 day Festival one to remember.
Here is the link
You can also lodge directly to: Boyle Arts Festival – Account 63279424,
Sort Code: 90-53-28
IBAN: IE37 BOFI 9053 2863 2794 24, BIC: BOFIIE2
If for any reason you are unable to donate through these channels, you may contribute as usual to any of our Committee members and it will be fully acknowledged.
Thank you for your continued support.
Please Note:
To ensure inclusion in our printed programme, the latest date for receipt of donations is 1st May. (We plan to have the BAF23 printed programme out earlier this year in order to ensure maximum exposure).