‘One Good Adult’ workshop to be held in Boyle

Jigsaw Roscommon are hosting a one hour workshop in Boyle Family Resource Centre titled ‘One Good Adult’.
This workshop will highlight the importance of one good adult in a young persons life as-well as supporting and promoting young peoples mental health.
The workshop is for any parent, guardians, coaches of underage sports team, club leaders to attend.
It will take place on Wednesday May 3rd from 7pm to 8pm at Boyle Family Resource Centre.
At the end of the workshop participants will:
- Have a greater understanding of mental health and what influences our mental health
- Recognise the importance of the role of one good adult in supporting and promoting young peoples mental health
- Know how to support and promote the mental health of young people in their lives
Contact Emer on 0860143942 or 0719663000 for further info or to register your place.