The Boyle’d Pot 17/01/’25

Adventure Activity Provider sought for Lough Key Forest Park
Willie Norse and Hannah Dowling of sole agents TWM, acting on behalf of Coillte, are seeking expressions of interest from experienced adventure and activity entities for the future operation of certain elements to support and enhance of the best-in-class leisure activities at Lough Key Forest & Activity Park.
Established in 2006, Lough Key Forest and Activity Park in Boyle is a joint venture between Coillte and Roscommon County Council. Since its opening, the Park has developed into a successful visitor destination within Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands.
The Park currently boasts both land and water activities catering to a wide range of interests and fitness levels. Visitors can choose from kayaking, boating tours, orienteering, walking paths, cycling trails, high ropes and ziplining. Coillte are now seeking an experienced party to operate both these existing activities and other proposed new ones on land and water provide new exciting land or water based activities.
A dangerous Boyle junction has just got worse
One of Boyle’s most dangerous junctions seem to have got a lot worse since the road was realigned at McDonagh’s Corner. If you are coming from Main Street to St. Patrick Street and there is a van or high sided vehicle parked on Bridge Street, it is now harder to see cars approach from Bridge Street. As a result there have been many near misses with cars coming at speed down Bridge Street on the new surface and those crossing from Main Street not seeing them in time. Add to this the impatience of some drivers coming from St. Patrick Street who will not wait for the Main Street motorists to allow cars pass, and who proceed to turn right, straight into the path of the crossing motorist. Even though the junction is on a national secondary road, some form of traffic control is needed here before the accident number grows higher.
Famous Cootehall resident reflects on her life’s work
An upcoming event that may interest some from Boyle will take place in The Dock in Carrick -on-Shannon on Friday February 7th when Cootehall resident and former Uachtarain na hEireann Mary McAleese will reflect on her life’s work in an interview with journalist Carole Coleman. The event is in support of the Croghan Community Development Fund. Dr. McAleese was President of Ireland from 1997 until 2011. She was the first President to come from Northern Ireland. She currently researches and writes on human rights and children’s rights in the Catholic Church. She was Professor of Children, Law and Religion at the University of Glasgow, 2018-2022 and is currently Chancellor of Trinity College Dublin. She is the author of Reconciled Being (1997); Quo Vadis (2018); Children’s Rights and Obligations in Canon Law (2019); The Seventeen Irish Martyrs (2022). She is married to Martin since 1976, has three children and two grandsons. She lives in Cootehall, County Roscommon across the Shannon from the family home of her father and grandparents who lived near Croghan. Tickets, priced €25 for the event are available here.
News snippets from around Boyle
Lough Arrow Christmas Day Swim annual table quiz in aid of North West Hospice will take place in the Mayfly Inn, Ballinafad on Saturday the 25th of January at 9pm…….During the cold spell two weeks back, many rail commuters who avail of the 6.20 AM train to Dublin complained of delays to the service and no information available as they sat in the ice cold weather at Boyle station……..Boyle Film Club will hold a free screening of Charlie Chaplin’s ‘City Lights’ tonight Friday 17th January in the Family Resource Centre. Please book your place at [email protected]…………Monthly constituency clinic with Deputy Claire Kerrane and Councillor Leah Cull will be held in the Spool Factory Office Suites on Saturday February 1st……..What a shame there are currently no flood lights on the Abbey. Perhaps it is only the bulbs that need replacing?…….Some have wondered why the planters at the Post Office have not been spaced out more to stop parking on the footpath. The answer is because they would block the entrance to the Post Office yard and the private residence beside the P.O. – hence why cars should not be parking there in the first place……….With night work ongoing on the installation of the two new pedestrian crossings on Main Street, let’s hope there is some warning sign on Military Road for vehicles to slow down before they approach the crossing, as currently, cars come in Military Road at way over the speed limit (hence why there was a speed van there previously on numerous occasions)………….The annual general meeting of Boyle Town Team will take place on 13th February 2025 at 7:00pm in the Spool Factory……..Last week we published a request seeking people to home host two Italian students who will attend Abbey College from March 1st 2025 to mid June. If you can help, please contact Federico Fogliano on [email protected]………After being busy with Storm Darragh and the recent inclement weather, ESB crews were back in Boyle during the week to take away the overhead cables and poles on Shop Street and what a difference the clutter free skyline and new lights make. When the Christmas Lights are taken down, the floodlighting of the bridge will also take place which will be another feature for the town……….Date for your diary – Bernie Flaherty and Paul Emmett play King House on Wednesday February 5th at 2pm in the Cultural Companions series.
And finally….!
An Englishman and an Irishman walk into a bakery.
As they browse the shelves, the Englishman eyes the fresh buns on the counter.
In a flash, he swipes three buns, tucks them into his pockets, and strolls out of the bakery with a sly grin.
Once outside, he nudges the Irishman and says, “Now that’s skill! Did you see how I managed to steal those buns without the owner even noticing? That’s the art of clever thievery.”
The Irishman shakes his head and chuckles.
“Stealing? That’s just dishonesty. Let me show you how to get the same result, but with wit and charm instead.”
Curious, the Englishman follows the Irishman back into the bakery.
The Irishman boldly approaches the owner and says, “Good day, sir! I’d like to show you a magic trick that will amaze you.”
The owner, intrigued and a little flattered, steps forward.
“A magic trick, you say? Go on, then. Show me what you’ve got!”
The Irishman smiles and says, “Alright, for this trick, I’ll need three of your finest buns.”
The owner hands him a bun, which the Irishman promptly eats.
He then asks for a second bun, devours that one too, and does the same with a third.
After finishing, he stands there, smiling contentedly.
The bakery owner frowns, crossing his arms.
“Alright, where’s the magic? All I see is you eating my buns!”
The Irishman grins, points to the Englishman, and says, “Check his pockets.”