The Boyle’d Pot 22/11/’19

Less light from the new lights
There is growing disquiet in Boyle at the quality of brightness from the recently replaced street lighting in the town. Readers will recall that the decorative heritage and 90w – 250w public lighting lanterns throughout Boyle were replaced in August with new energy efficient LED lantern technology. At the time it was felt the new lights would bring better lighting to the town, in addition to being energy efficient. While the lights may be more energy efficient, the light in Boyle at night time has got worse, not better. This is born out by a recent survey here on this website were 56% of respondents said the lights are not any better. Main Street in particular is very badly lit at night. The new lights are so bad that some owners of CCTV cameras around the town report that their darkness line of vision has decreased substantially since the energy efficient lights were installed. It is understood representations are currently being made to Roscommon Co Co on the issue.
Super fast broadband will be good for Boyle
Wednesday’s news story here on outlining the areas locally that will soon be 10Gbps broadband enabled, got a huge response. Needless to say there were many viewers who contacted this website to vent their annoyance that their premises/area was not included. When initially contacted for the information, Eir were quick to add the rider that “There is no room for change of boundaries.” It would seem therefore that amazingly the ‘Boyle Business Park’ in Deerpark or the Council owned land on the Roscommon road that is earmarked for industrial development are not included and will not be. While it is great to get 10Gbps broadband speeds the reality is that only a handful of current businesses in Boyle will ever need anything like this, but if we are to locate new industry into Boyle this type of broadband is a prerequisite. One wonders then why the sites mentioned were not included.
Don’t abuse our free parking
As we approach the last four weeks before Christmas, the town will hopefully get that bit busier with shoppers and visitors alike. And with that should come an increase in cars and associated parking. Here in Boyle we are very lucky to have three free car parks to use – one off Green Street/St. Patrick Street, another on the Crescent and one off Shop Street. In addition, on street parking is also free to use but let’s not abuse it this Christmas. If you want to get to a shop, use the off street car parks where possible and not put on your ‘I can park anywhere lights’ ie double flashers, and abandon your car. This is most evident in Main Street and causes unnecessary traffic jams which will put off shoppers coming to Boyle.
Boyle link to Late Late Toy Show
The daughter of a well known Boyle based businessman is due to appear on the upcoming Late Late Toy Show on Friday week November 29th. Zara Alexander, daughter of well known Dentist Mark Alexander is set to make her screen debut on the popular show with a solo singing performance. This is not the first time for an Alexander family member to appear on the show as Zara’s older sister Zoe also sung on the Toy Show in 2015.
Also appearing on the show will be Dara Kilcommon’s. Dara is son of Eileen Kilcommons (nee Davitt) and grandson of Sean and Frances Davitt. Dromod based Dara will be performing his solo singing debut on the show and will also star in ‘Cinderella’ with X Factor’s Mary Byrne.
With an anticipated audience of 1.5 million, 90,000 people applied in the first five days of release for the prized 150 audience tickets for the show.
Plan now to benefit from Lough Key’s success
Hats off to management and staff in Lough Key Forest Park. The popular Boyle tourist venue is in yet another awards final this January. The Park is a finalist in the Irish Independent Readers Travel Awards. What makes these awards different is that the entrants were nominated by the public, with an elite judging panel then deciding the winners on January 17th. Lough Key Forest Park is going from strength to strength and building year on year. With the cycle path nearing completion, 2020 should see Boyle town benefit from the success of Lough Key but only if business owners and tourism providers in the town start planning right now for next year’s season.
And finally….!
A lawyer arrived home late from work after a very tough day trying to get a stay of execution for his client, Dave Wright. His last minute plea for clemency to the Governor had failed and he was feeling worn out and depressed.
As soon as he walked through the door at home, his wife started on him about, ‘What time of night to be getting home is this? Where have you been? Dinner is cold and I’m not reheating it’. On and on and on she went.
Too shattered to play his usual role in this familiar ritual, he poured himself a double shot of whiskey and headed off for a long hot soak in the bathtub, pursued by the predictable sarcastic remarks as he dragged himself wearily up the stairs.
While he was in the bath, the phone rang. The wife answered and was told that her husband’s client, Dave Wright, had been granted a stay of execution after all.
Wright would have be hanged overnight had it not been for the last minute reprieve.
Finally realising what a terrible day he must have had, she decided to go upstairs and give him the good news.
As she opened the bathroom door, she was greeted by the sight of her husband, bent over naked, drying his legs and feet.
‘They’re not hanging Wright tonight,’ she announced.
To which, he whirled around and screamed –