The Boyle’d Pot 25/4/14

Changes In the Local Political Scene
Last April’s meeting of Boyle Town Council was the last working meeting of our elected local representatives. There are some who will say the Town Council will not be missed and Boyle will be no worse off without the grouping, but the fact is they were a democratically elected body and they were a monthly direct line to Roscommon County Council concerning items of relevance to our town. It is debatable whither every word that the Councillors said was received openly in Roscommon HQ and perhaps this had more to do with what could be perceived as personality politics by a handful as opposed to local politics. While on the subject of local politics, Boyle also seen one of it’s County Councillors retire from politics recently. Carrickmore’s Ernie Keenan has represented the town and area diligently for the last 11 years and has decided not to contest the upcoming elections. Ernie is one of life’s gentlemen and is liked by one and all. He represented the town with his characteristic good nature and concern and is wished well in his political retirement.
Welcome For Primary Care Facility
The news, as revealed exclusively here on last week, that the HSE have received planning permission for a new Primary Care facility in the grounds of the Plunkett Home is great news. Any infrastructural addition to the town has to be welcomed with the facility itself very appealing and modernistic in design. Jobs will be created in the building stage and when finalised, which is most welcome in the rejuvenation era that is presently taking place in Boyle.
Elphin Street Parking Problems
The “top end” of town seems to be the area where most of the action is taking place these days. The HSE development as detailed above, Bruno’s, the new Coffee shop/restaurant in Mahon’s to name but a few. With the increases in activity comes an increase in traffic and resultant parking problems, but in Elphin Street, the problem is compounded by rail commuters who use the street to park instead of the station car park….and who can blame them with a €4 daily fee and a €120 clamping penalty in place. Yet down the road in neighbouring Carrick-On-Shannon parking at the train station is free. That does not seem equitable.
Would Developments Have Changed Rockingham?
Last Easter weekend was a hive of activity around Boyle and in particular Lough Key Forest Park. The activity did not stop on Monday – during the past week, the good weather added to by school holidays ensured large crowds converged in our Park daily. It was great to see crowds reminiscent of the 1980’s. One could not help but wonder when looking at the people in the Park – what would it be like now if the Rockfield or Newfoundland Corporation had been granted permission for their massive developments many years ago. One thing is for sure, we would have had a hotel or two and probably even larger crowds but what we have now is fine and is a starting block on which to progress and develop further.
Lough Key – A Great Asset To The Town
Boyle and District Angling Club must have been delighted with the fine weather last weekend that greeted the many fishermen that graced Lough Key. It was a far cry from the previous year when the cold wind would rip through you. The lake is a brilliant asset to Boyle and it’s beauty and appeal is well recognised and respected by the local fishing club who do great work to promote fishing and conservation in Boyle. Angling is big business and in Lough Key we have a beautiful and scenic lake that must be the envy of the many visitors from Ireland and oversees who come to Boyle and take to it’s waters.
And Finally…..!
A drunk staggers into a Catholic Church, enters a confessional booth and sits down but says nothing.
The Priest coughs a few times to get his attention but the drunk continues to sit there.
Finally, the Priest pounds three times on the wall.
The drunk mumbles, “Ain’t no use knockin, there’s no paper on this side either.”