The Boyle’d Pot 7/6/’19

The Weather
What an unbelievable week of bad weather we have had here in Boyle. It has been one of the coldest and wettest starts to June in the North West in a long number of years. To make it all the more depressing was the fact that the weather on Tuesday and Wednesday last was warmer and drier a few mile south and east of Boyle! But all is not lost. The usually reliable Donegal Weather Channel suggests that summer like weather will approach Ireland next week with temperatures in the low twenties next weekend! This prediction is also coming through on AccuWeather which shows temperatures in the high teens with sunshine from mid week on. – another fairly accurate website also predicts a change from Thursday 13th. Fingers crossed!
Pride of Place selection for Boyle
Boyle Town Team has been selected to represent the county in this year’s Pride of Place competition. The Team are currently in the process of forming a committee, inclusive of representatives from various local organisations and groups, to lead the submission and would be delighted to hear from any individuals who would like to assist in same. The Team’s initial application highlighted how Boyle was once referred to as ‘one of the forgotten towns’ but with positive thinking, forward planning and ambition, close on €5m is due to be invested in the town this year with more exciting news on the horizon. With Boyle now being name checked by Government and other agencies as a town that is fighting it’s way back, we are being seen as a role model for others. As we have said many times before in the blog – it will be 2020 before the fruits of the current work will be ready to reap rewards and the public can see what the fightback has achieved. Now it is up to the Pride of Place Committee to showcase to the judges what is planned for our town. The winning of the National Enterprising Town award back in 2016 was the catalyst for all that is currently happening in Boyle. If we could add an All Ireland Pride of Place award, then we would have a lot more to shout about when the magical 2020 comes around.
Positive endorsement for King House and Forest Park
Boyle and King House received a positive endorsement recently on Twitter from former presidential candidate and Dragons Den star Gavin Duffy. Gavin tweeted to his 31,800 followers: ‘Week before last we visited the wonderful King House. Please don’t drive by Boyle. It is an historic town and King House is well worth a visit – great exhibition about the Connacht Rangers and I enjoyed the Maureen O’Sullivan Hollywood exhibit.’
Separately, well known columnist with the Roscommon People newspaper Frank Brandon wrote glowingly about Lough Key in a recent edition: The county of Roscommon should be thankful that it has such a wonderful tourist attraction inside it’s boundaries. Since we were last there many big changes have taken place, with all kinds of activities available for both adults and children and there is also a fine new marina. However, the things that endeared the park to us all those years ago were still there and all around us kids were kicking ball, throwing frisbees and generally enjoying themselves. We sat out on the balcony at the restaurant, over a cup of coffee and a bun and thought back to the days when it was our children that were playing out there. We wondered, not for the first time, where have all the years gone. Eventually it was time for us to head off home but not before buying a jar of the most beautiful homemade honey in the garden shop. All I can say is, if you want to experience total peace in wonderful, natural surroundings, then hop in the car and head for Lough Key Forest Park…you will not regret it!
Need for CCTV increases
Carrick on Shannon is the latest neighbouring town to have a CCTV system installed while here in Boyle we are still discussing whither we need a system or not. A survey on this website over the last few weeks shows that 76% of respondents say that the town needs CCTV. Those who argue that our low crime levels do not warrant such a system or that there are adequate cameras outside various premises are probably among the 24% who do not agree. When the aggravated burglary or major crime takes place it will be then that those same people will wonder why was Boyle targeted and could the perpetrators have been caught if they had been captured on CCTV. Boyle needs a CCTV system sooner rather than later.
Opening times of our tourist attractions
The need to have our tourist attractions open earlier in the day was highlighted yesterday morning (Thursday). A coach carrying what seemed like American tourists was parked on Abbey Terrace around 9.15am as the occupants walked around the perimeter of the Abbey and pulled at the gate in an effort to gain entry. Unfortunately, Boyle Abbey does not open until 10am. Some venture into town and seen King House. No luck her either as King House does not open 11am! While it is acknowledged that group tours can be booked in advance for both places, passing coaches do come into Boyle and having their occupants wait until 10 or 11am to gain admission to a tourist attraction is not acceptable.
And finally…!
A drunken man who smelled strongly of alcohol sat down on the train next to a priest. The man’s tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half-empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket.
He opened his newspaper and began reading. After a few minutes the man turned to the priest and asked politely, “Excuse me, Father, but what causes arthritis?”
The priest replied, “My Son, it’s caused by loose living, being with cheap, wicked women, too much alcohol, contempt for your fellow man, sleeping around with prostitutes and the lack of a bath.”
The drunk muttered in response, “Well, I’ll be damned,” then returned to his paper.
The priest, thinking about what he had said, nudged the man and apologised. “I’m very sorry. I didn’t mean to come on so strong. How long have you had arthritis?”
The drunk answered, “Oh I don’t have it, Father. I was just reading here that the Pope does.”