Re enactment of Election of the Snows

The re enactment of a scene from a polling booth in Crossna commenced the weekend commemoration of the “Election of the Snows” on Friday night in the former Boyle Courthouse.
With Friday marking the 100th anniversary of the election of Count George Nobel Plunkett as an MP for North Roscommon, the night continued with the ceremonial presentation of polling boxes to the Courthouse, similar to what would have occurred this night 100 years ago.
A minutes silence was observed in memory of Doireann Martin who passed away earlier in the day at the young age of 6.
Sinn Fein’s Jane Suffin officially opened the proceedings before Dr Conor McNamara delivered a lecture on the “Election of the Snows in the context of the Revolutionary period 1916 – 1923”.
This was followed by a question and answer session.
Also in attendance were Dermot and Michael Devine grandsons of defeated candidate Thomas J Devine and Honor O’Brolchain great granddaughter and Isolde Carmody great great granddaughter of Count Plunkett.
The commemoration weekend continue on Saturday as follows:
Saturday 4th February
4.00pm: Re-enactment: Counting of Votes & Announcement of Result
4.05pm: Welcome from Matt Carthy MEP
4.10pm: Introduction by Claire Kerrane
(Coiste Comórtha Shinn Féin Ros Comáin 1916-1923)
4.20pm: Conor McNamara: Historical Context of “Election of the Snows”
4.35pm: Rendition of “Grace” by Bernadine Casserly
4.40pm: Honor O’ Brolcháin, Great-Grandaughter of Count Plunkett
5.05pm: Presentation of Cotton Tricolour to Frank Geelan, Chairperson of Boyle Courthouse Development Ltd. Committee.
5.10pm: Keynote Address: Mary Lou McDonald TD.
5.35pm: Presentation of Framed 1917 Posters.
5.45pm: Re-enactment of Count Plunkett’s acceptance speech outside Boyle Courthouse & Singing of “The West’s Awake” by Bernadine Casserly.
6.00pm: Torchlit Procession through Boyle town with singing
6.30pm: Tea and Coffee in Moylurg Inn, Boyle.
(Main pictures shows the reenactment of the ballot boxes arriving at Boyle Courthouse)