Boyle Town Team Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting of Boyle Town Team will be held in the Board Room, Floor 1, The Spool Factory at 6pm on Thursday February 2nd 2023.
Town Team members are requested to attend and anyone with an interest in joining the Town Team may also attend.
Boyle Town Team membership is open to all people living in Boyle town and district and individuals who would like to join the Team should be nominated by an active group, club, business or organisation in the town.
Boyle Town Team is a positive and proactive organisation that include business owners, individuals and residents working collaboratively with local government to improve Boyle town.
To date, the Team has assisted in securing over €12m in grant aid for Boyle and has been instrumental in a number of public realm and infrastructural enhancements that are currently taking place in Boyle with more in the pipeline.