Student bursaries awarded at Boyle Credit Union

“Education is not filling a pail but lighting a fire” observed our own William Butler Yeats.
With this philosophy, Boyle Credit Union was very happy to offer 5 third-level students an education bursary to the tune of €2,000 each.
Boyle Credit Union, with branches in Green Street, Boyle and in Keadue, offers very competitively priced student loans to its members so the provision of 5 bursaries is a further recognition by the Credit Union of the importance of third-level education and its ambition to support young Credit Union members at this critical stage of their lives.
Bursaries were awarded to:
Aaron McTiernan – 1st year studying Civil Engineering at Atlantic Technological
University, Sligo
Amy Harrington – commencing the Professional Practice Course at the Law Society
of Ireland
David McGee – 2nd year studying Stage Management & Technical Theatre at Trinity
College, Dublin
Michaela Regan – studying for a Masters degree in Speech & Language Therapy at
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
Niamh McLoughlin – 1st year Bachelor in Education student in Dublin City University
(Submitted photograph)