‘Charlie Bird Walk of Friendship’ event in Boyle

This Sunday April 16th, Boyle’s Lough Key Forest Park will host a ‘Charlie Bird Walk of Friendship’ event, commencing at 11am.
Four walks are being held across the country in Lough Key Forest Park, Avondale Forest Park, Curraghbinny Woods Park and Ard na Gaoithe.
The Charlie Bird Hand of Friendship Walk with Samaritans is being generously supported by Coillte, inviting the public to participate in 5km and 1km walks across the country on the day.
Charlie will take part in the walk in Avondale.
The walks are open to everyone; many Coillte trails are buggy and wheelchair. Please sign up to join Samaritans volunteers and supporters on April 16th to extend the hand of friendship and increase awareness of the work of Samaritans. Donations received will support Samaritans branches around the country as our listening volunteers provide emotional support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to anyone who is in distress, lonely, struggling to cope or feeling suicidal.
Participation in the walk is free but you can make a donation.
Please register in advance here