Former HSE employee’s increments

Fianna Fáil TD for Roscommon/Galway Eugene Murphy has highlighted the fact that many former HSE employees have still not received their pension increments as promised in line with the national wage agreement for 2018 and 2019.
“I have been contacted by numerous former HSE employees who have been left waiting for the past two years for pension increments promised to them in line with the national wage agreement. Many of these people worked hard all their lives in the healthcare sector and now in their retirement they have been left waiting in limbo land for their pension increments,” said Deputy Murphy.
The Fianna Fáil TD recently tabled a parliamentary question on the matter with the Minister for Health in relation to the matter.
“The Minister has acknowledged that the delay in payment of the pension increments is due to the gathering of information at individual level to ensure all the increases will be applied correctly. The Minister has informed me that they are working through all the cases and he has assured me that the pensioners who are entitled to an increase will have this increase applied and arrears paid by January 2020 at the latest. The Minister also indicated that it is hoped to have most of the increments and arrears paid in time for the December payment of pensions- this is most welcome, and I will hold the Minister to account on this issue,” concluded Deputy Murphy.