The Boyle’d Pot 1/4/’16

An opportunity for our town
The change of venue for tomorrow’s U21 Connacht Final from Hyde Park to Markievicz Park in Sligo can provide an economic boost to many Boyle businesses, thats if they go looking for it. There should be a steady flow of traffic through the town both going to the match and coming home with supporters who will need to eat, drink and fill their cars up with fuel etc. Businesses should erect signs and advertise their special offers to entice the supporters to stop off in Boyle on their journey.
The Second Gate of Rockingham
One of the most iconic and historic buildings in Boyle is the second gate of Rockingham. Home to the Carroll family until the early eighties, the building has fallen into disrepair in recent years. Getting it back to it’s former glory is not an easy task but it is one that a core group of locals are presently working on, nice and quietly behind the scenes. Starting the blame game and slating various public bodies for the buildings neglect is not the way to progress the matter and in reality is only hindering progress. Time and money are what is needed and both are being worked on at present.
Enterprise Town Expo today
Today is yet again a busy one in the small town of Boyle. The Bank of Ireland initiated Enterprise Town Expo takes place from 4 pm in the Sports Complex and later in the evening Barry Feely’s wonderful book “They Dared to Challenge ” will be launched in King House. The Enterprise Town Expo will showcase many of the commercial business and leisure clubs that operate in Boyle. A lot of background work has gone into organising the event and everyone should pop into the Complex at some stage to see all our town has on offer.
The great Mc Dermott’s Castle
Lough Key and McDermott’s Castle looked superb last week during the screening of “A Fanatic Heart” on RTE TV. The Bob Geldof presented programme on W.B. Yeats was filmed on a cold foggy day which led to the Castle being shown in the programme in an eerie and mythical fashion. While watching the scene, one could not help but think of the great benefit the restoration of the ancient building would be to Rockingham and the general surrounds. McDermott’s Castle has a wealth of historical linkage to this area. While it is presently in private ownership, it is a local and national treasure and one that needs to be preserved for future generations.
King House and Boyle Abbey now open
Two of Boyle’s leading tourist attractions are now open for the summer season. Boyle Abbey is open daily from 10am until 6pm with last admission 45 minutes before closing. Entry is €4 per adult with a special family rate of €10. King House is also open to the public Tuesday to Saturday from 11am until 5pm. Admission is €5 per adult or €15 per family. What a pity King House is not open on Sunday’s, the one day families get to go out together. It’s opening on Sunday’s would bring additional visitors to the town on their way from Lough Key who would then spend money in our restaurants and shops. In addition, collective promotion and marketing of Lough Key, King House and Boyle Abbey with a discounted admission ticket to all three locations would be of great benefit.
And finally….!
Two guys were walking in the woods one day, and they all of a sudden came across a bear. The bear noticed them, and started growling and generally getting really mean.
The bear started to chase one of the guys, who, as it turns out, was from Czechoslovakia. The bear soon caught up with him, and ate him alive. The other guy turned around and ran for his life.
A little while later, the second guy found a park ranger station and told his story. The ranger took his gun, and they both went out in search of the bear, in order to destroy it.
Soon, they came across two bears, one male, and one female. The ranger turned to the other guy and said: “Quick… tell me which bear ate your friend!” The ranger levelled his gun and got ready to shoot.
“I’m not really sure,” said the other guy, “they both look similar.”
“QUICK! Make up your mind!” said the ranger.
“O.K.,” said the other, “it was the male.”
The ranger promptly aimed and shot the female bear. The male ran off. Using his knife, the ranger cut open the belly of the female and found the body of the other man.
“But why didn’t you shoot the male when I thought it was the male who ate my friend?” the other man asked.
“Well,” said the ranger, do you not know the old saying…
“Never trust anyone who says that the Czech’s in the male!”