The Boyle’d Pot 14/4/’17

One hour parking a possibility for Boyle
A recent discussion on Street Trading at a Boyle Municipal District meeting has raised the suggestion of introducing one hour parking in the town. Councillor John Cummins told the meeting that business people on the Crescent had reported to him that their takings decreased by 40% on the days that Street Traders were in town. The business people put that reduction in takings down to lack of parking. Director of Services with Roscommon Co Co Martin Lydon said the possibility of introducing one hour parking and “proper enforcement” could be looked into. He promised to report back to the Councillors on the possibility at the May Municipal District meeting. Do you think one hour parking should be introduced in Boyle? Cast your vote now on the weekly poll on the homepage of this website.
Boyle Town Team’s Scattered Hotel plans progress
Boyle Town Team are progressing their plans for their Scattered Hotel project as outlined in a recent update issued by the Team and published in full here on on Tuesday 4th inst. Unfortunately, there has been some misleading articles published in print and online on the project in recent days. Firstly, there will be no new construction of a hotel under the project. Instead the Town Team will seek business owners to get involved with them to refurbish rooms in existing buildings to Failte Ireland 4 start standard. While expressions of interest are being sought from property owners, the project is as yet only at feasibility stage with a lot of work needed to bring it to fruition. In the meantime, a promoter for a hotel in Boyle will actively be sought to compliment the Scattered Hotel idea. (Remember the Scattered Hotel is accommodation only, no bars, no restaurant and no function room). Secondly, the Scattered Hotel concept is being promoted solely by Boyle Town Team members. If the concept moves forward, then people with relevant knowledge of the tourism industry may be asked to contribute their expertise. This is a project that can deal with the current deficit of high quality town centre accommodation in Boyle, if allowed to progress as the Town Team members have planned.
A broken but proud band of supporters
When the penalty shoot out concluded in The Showgrounds in Sligo last Sunday, the five second silence of shock that greeted the large Boyle contingent was palpable. But what followed was heart warming. After the shock sunk in, the crowd broke into a round of applause and afforded the gallant players, who had brought such joy and unity to the town, a standing ovation. The players acknowledged the gesture and in return applauded those who had supported and backed them in this competition and over many years previously. While a real sense of disappointment was evident, so too was a real sense of pride. Boyle people are proud people and they stick together through thick and thin. Sure doesn’t it say so in the words of the Boyle Celtic song that sent a shiver up the spine of those in The Showgrounds – “We will fight for each other ’til the final whistle blows, ‘Cause we’re Boyle Celtic and we’re proud”.
Boyle Celtic soccer club is an integral part of the sporting and social fabric of Boyle and will no doubt grow even further following this run in the Junior Cup. They provide a great outlet for so many young children every week at Celtic Park, the same young children who will be the back bone of the club in the years ahead and who will be energised and inspired by the success of this current group of players.
Memories of Easter in Boyle
Two Boyle memories from the past that come to mind around Easter time are hot cross buns from Doherty’s Bakery and the Circuit of Ireland Car Rally. Doherty’s Bakery was located roughly where Pure Flowers and the entrance to O’Dowd Solicitors now stands. On Good Friday in the seventies and early eighties, it was common to see a queue of people waiting on the bridge on Good Friday morning for the buns to arrive from Carrick. That was long before the time that supermarkets stocked the buns, in fact the only supermarket at that time was Fred Perry’s and Gerry Dodd’s on Main Street and hot cross buns did not feature on the shelves. On Good Friday night, when nothing seemed to happen, a trip to Arigna to see the Circuit of Ireland Rally was on the cards. One year the Rally had a night visit to Rockingham which provided a local attraction closer to home. Nowadays we have the Bright Sparks Quiz in St. Joseph’s Hall to keep us entertained.
Pike Angling Festival is an economic boost to the town
The annual Pike Angling Festival takes place on Lough Key this weekend and is sure to attract the usual high entry. While lake fishing may not be a great spectator sport, the Boyle Festival, with it’s base at Doon Shore, provides an ideal opportunity for members of the public to see weigh ins as they happen and enjoy the sport of angling without getting the feet wet. In addition, the spectacle on Saturday morning of the flotilla of boats heading out on Lough Key is a sight to behold. Boyle and District Angling Club are to be congratulated on the organisation of the Festival, an event that brings an economic boost to the town, with filling stations, shops, bars and restaurants all benefiting over the two days.
And finally…..!
A woman was sure that her husband was cheating on her, and having an affair with the maid so she laid down a trap.
One evening she suddenly sent the maid home for the weekend and didn’t tell the husband.
That night when they went to bed, the husband gave the old story: “Excuse me my dear, my stomach aches”, and went to the bathroom.
The wife promptly climbed into the maid’s bed and switched the lights off.
When he came in silently, he wasted no time or words but had his way with her.
When he finished, the wife switched on the light and said “You didn’t expect to find me in this bed, did you?”
“No madam”, said the gardener.