The Boyle’d Pot 24/6/16

Minister speaks of need to “talk up the town”
Last night’s public meeting with Minister Denis Naughten in St. Joseph’s Hall was interesting and informative for the small crowd that attended. Denis Naughten came across as an affable, forward thinking, engaging and knowledgeable individual who seems genuinely interested in developing Boyle, Roscommon and this country. During the meeting one main theme emerged from the Minister – the need to be positive. Minister Naughten spoke frequently during the 2.5 hours of the constant need to talk up our town to showcase it in a positive light. He quite rightly told those present that we would have to “pull together to make it easier to sell the town” to investors. Leaving the Hall last night, one felt that Denis Naughten genuinely took stock of all that was said and that he would act on the items discussed. That in itself made the meeting a worthwhile exercise.
Traditions still alive in Boyle
It was great to see the age old tradition of Bonfire Night still celebrated in Boyle last night (Thursday). Earlier on in the week (Tuesday), the Boyle beavers, cubs, scouts, venturers and leaders had their own bonfire in Lough Keel camp site. Bonfire night, May Day flowers and the Wren Boys on St. Stephen’s Day are age old traditions that are still pretty much alive in Boyle and need to be continued as they are an integral part of our heritage.
The divide of Boyle gets bigger
Customers of Joe Simon Building Supplies or Supervalu will have noticed the groundwork and site clearance taking place behind the Plunkett Home and adjacent to the car parks of both businesses. It’s all in advance of the construction of the new Primary Care Centre which will be a great addition to the town when completed. One can also notice the increase in “new faces” around Boyle with builders and surveyors on site during the week bringing with them an economic boost to the town. All the action now seems to be in “the top end of town”. But let’s not forget the “lower end of town” where Saint Patrick Street and Main Street need to be rejuvinated. One of the reasosn for getting rid of the one way system was to eliminate a division of the town. It looks like that idea hasn’t worked yet……
Property prices in Boyle
Three Boyle properties went for auction in Galway last weekend (see news section 17/6/16). Only one sold. The four bedroomed house at Warren Way in need of refurbishment sold for the reserve of €80,000. The two apartments at Quarry Lane did not sell and are still available to purchase. Last week’s auction is not really a good guide to property prices in Boyle. A better indicator is the Property Price Register. Here you will see that many houses in Boyle are selling for in excess of €100,000. Property prices are rising steadily all over Ireland and Boyle is no exception. There are bargain properties around Boyle but they are being snapped up quickly by savy investors.
The days and weeks are flying
Every week, when preparations begin for this blog and the date is put on the heading, a shiver runs up your back as the speed at which the year is moving hits home. Looking at todays date – June 24th – brings the stark reminder that we are half way through the year and only approximatelty 26 weeks until Christmas Eve! When you were young, the days seemed to last forever but if you ask a young person nowadays do they feel the days and weeks are dragging on, most likely they will tell you that they are flying by. How times have changed!
And finally….!
At St. Peter’s Church, they have weekly marriage seminars for husbands.
At the session last week, the priest asked Giuseppe, who was approaching his 50th wedding anniversary, to take a few minutes and share some insight into how he had managed to stay married to the same woman for all those years.
Giuseppe replied to the assembled husbands, “Well-a, I-a tried to treat her nice-a, spend-a da money on her – but what-a worked-a best of all, is – I took-a her to Italy for the 20th anniversary!!”
The priest responded, “Giuseppe, you’re an inspiration to all the husbands here. Please tell us what you’re planning for your wife for your 50th anniversary?”
Giuseppe replied, “Well, I gotta nice-a surprise planned! I gonna go pick her up!”