The Boyle’d Pot 4/8’17

Town Centre Flood Plain – The Facts
There has been a lot of talk in recent months about the flood plain that lies adjacent to the Boyle River in the centre of the town and how it could hinder development. The reality is the centre of Boyle on each side of the river from an area on the lawn to the green foot bridge in the Royal Hotel car park and on the opposite side from an area in Frybrook to the the green foot bridge, is indeed in a flood plain. As a result, development in this area is restricted, and that includes the site of the former Royal Hotel. Back in 2015 the area was mapped and the findings formed the basis of what is called the “Strategic Flood Risk Assessment”. The plan to include the area in a flood zone went to public consultation in 2015 with the flood risk area on public display and a public meeting held in King House. Information to hand says that only one submission was received from a member of the general public – and this did not relate to any flood risk matters. The assessment then went on to form part of the Boyle Local Area Plan. To now get the area dezoned is a complicated matter. It would necessitate the elected members of Roscommon Co Co making a variation to the local area plan and even if that was successful, it is highly unlikely that Roscommon Co Co would go against the advice of the OPW and issue planning for certain developments in an area that was initially deemed a flood zone. These are the facts and we now need to move on and deal with the cards that lie in front of us. The Flood Risk Assessment does not totally hinder development. Planning applications for development proposals occurring within those zones would need to be accompanied by a detailed site specific Flood Risk Assessment, and proposals may be considered acceptable where certain things can be demonstrated, including that the development would not give rise to significant flooding issues and would not obstruct flow paths. There are plenty of recreational type developments that can take place on the site of the former Royal Hotel. An outdoor tiered seating theater could be one of them.
Bus parking needed in Boyle
As plans progress to attract more tourists to Boyle, one area that needs attention is the provision of a dedicated bus parking area in the town. Indeed we do have one already on Military Road outside King House but that is used by Bus Eireann for their daily service. What we need is an area near the Parochial School lined out to hold at least three if not four large busses. By having it “in town”, and used by Boyle Abbey, visitors to the OPW run facility will have to at least make their way over the Shilling Hill to get back to their bus and may continue into Boyle when they are that far. And if we are serious about attracting bus tours to Boyle we need to take care of the bus drivers also. We should make life easier for them with the location of the bus park in addition to offering them some form of “driver pack” to include food vouchers, complimentary access to facilities and discounts if they are ever back privately again in Boyle. This would go some way to enticing the drivers to bring their passengers into Boyle.
Rail woes after Sunday’s game
Irish Rail walked themselves into trouble last weekend. Firstly it took pressure, initially from this website, and then from political representatives, to get an additional train from Boyle to last Sunday’s game (note, no extra train this Sunday). Secondly, some of those who pre booked seats found to their dismay that when they boarded, their seats were taken. And finally, the clampers took to Boyle station and clamped 5 Roscommon fans cars. There are conflicting views on the clamping matter but it is still not a nice experience for anyone to find themselves in. On viewer contacted this website during the week to enquire if there is a right of way from the train station to Station road at Mrs Higgin’s House? If there is, then he wondered has Irish Rail the power to charge for parking in the area and should it be an open road?
Boyle all set to ‘Rock the Clock’
It’s full steam ahead this weekend for the inaugural “Rock the Clock” festival in Boyle. Coming hot on the heels of the successful Arts Festival, Rock the Clock will bring music, fireworks and plenty of fun to the town for the August Bank Holiday weekend. Not since the days of the Round Table Gala Week has there been a Duck Race on the Boyle River. With the water levels low, the organisers will hopefully have a better chance of saving the ducks at the finish line than the Round Table lads did back in the eighties! You can read more of whats on offer in the event section of this website. Well done once again to Mattimoe’s and the Moylurg on organising Rock the Clock.
“Idle gossip” on old Royal Hotel future
A spokesperson for Roscommon Co Co confirmed yesterday that no plans and no consultants have, or are at present been engaged to look at the former Royal Hotel. Anything to the contrary is “idle gossip” according to the spokesperson. ” We will liaise with the people of Boyle and interested local organisations to see what can be done with the old Royal Hotel” said the spokesperson. “At this stage there are no plans in the pipeline but if there are we will let you know”.
Defibrillator locations in Boyle
The location of defibrillators in Boyle is something that raises it’s head quite often. If you asked the majority of those who live in Boyle where the devices are located, chances are they would not have a clue. Many years ago, the late Fergus Ahern was one of the first to raise funds to have a defibrillator located in Boyle. Since then a number of local clubs and organisations purchased their own devices and hold them in their club houses or with assigned personnel. There is a defibrillator box on the wall of Boyle Garda Station but no device is installed. Perhaps now is the time to ensure that there is one it not two defibs in the town centre with a list and numbers of those trained in their use.
Garda Open day on Monday
After initial concern earlier in the week that units would be needed for Monday’s big game in Croke Park, it’s full steam ahead now for the inaugural Boyle Garda Open Day in Lough Key Forest Park on bank holiday Monday next. Details were revealed exclusively here on last Friday. On Monday, the helicopter from the air support unit is bound to create great interest and the mounted, dog and underwater units will also be in attendance, all of course depending on operational availability. For many, the day of knowing the local Garda is long gone, with the exception of our amicable community Garda Michael Pilkington who has endeared himself to nearly every club, organisation and school in the town and area. This Monday you will have a chance to meet Michael and other members of An Garda Siochana stationed in Boyle and get to know those who serve and protect our community. Well done to all concerned on what is shaping up to be a great day .
And finally…..!
A Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper, Guido, has cheated him out of $10,000,000. His bookkeeper is deaf. That was the reason he got the job in the first place.
When the Godfather goes to confront Guido about his missing $10 million, he takes along his lawyer who knows sign language.
The Godfather tells the lawyer, “Ask him where’s the money? The lawyer, using sign language, asks Guido, “where’s the money?” Guido signs back, “I don’t know what you are talking about.” The lawyer tells the Godfather, “He says he doesn’t know what you are talking about”
The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to Guido’s temple and says, “Ask him again!” The lawyer signs to Guido, “He’ll kill you if you don’t tell him.” Guido signs back, “OK.! You win! The money is in a brown briefcase, buried behind the shed at my cousin Bruno’s house.”
The Godfather asks the lawyer, “What did he say?” The lawyer replies, ” He says you don’t have the balls to pull the trigger.”