The Boyle’d Pot

The Boyle’d Pot 6/03/’20

Water levels continue to drop

Thankfully water levels on the Boyle river are continuing to drop from their high of 1.269m on February 25th. Readings taken this morning at 6am show the river at .964m a drop of .305m from their 2020 high. The readings, which are taken at Boyle Abbey Bridge also show that the average water temperature for the last month has varied between 4.5 degrees and 6.5 degrees. The record high at Abbeytown Bridge since recording commenced there was 1.56m on 25th November 2009.


Local openings and closings

Openings and closings are part and parcel of life in any small town for various reasons, not all commercial and Boyle is no different. While we currently have one or two closures taking place we can look forward to a number of new openings in the town over the next few weeks with keen interest also being expressed in a number of vacant premises in the town centre. Also of note locally is the ‘Sale Agreed’ sign on the former Presbyterian Church and adjacent house on Shop Street along with one or two other high profile sales set to soon be announced.
So now, after a lot of hard work, Boyle is no longer seen as a negative town but one with a bright future as infrastructural improvements take place and behind the scenes work continue with more good news planned for 2020.


The success that is Boyle Celtic

Among the many great sporting organisations we have in this town is local soccer club Boyle Celtic. From small beginnings, the club is now moving ahead at pace with their 50/50 draw being one of the major fundraising success stories in Boyle in recent years. This current weekend gives a great example, if one was needed, of how progressive and busy the club are. On Saturday, eight underage teams will be in action for the club, while two senior teams will take to the field – that’s over 100 players along with associated personnel. The coordination and logistics of organising such activity every weekend is to be commended and yet another reason why you should support the weekly Boyle Celtic 50/50 draw every week.


Coronavirus scare and misinformation

Coronavirus has taken over from the weather as the main topic of conversation in recent weeks. While the virus poses a serious threat to those with certain underlying health problems, comments on social media about the spread of the virus are only adding to the worries of the general public. Only yesterday (Thursday) a website in a neighbouring county ran a story titled ‘Case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Boyle’. The story detailed that a case of the virus had been ‘detected’ in Boyle before the misinformation was removed from the website and associated social media pages in the afternoon following complaint, but not before screen shots of the page were sent far and wide causing major concern in the town and wider afield. Thankfully, as yet, it is understood we do not have any cases of Covid 19 in Boyle and word that there is presently a case seems to be nothing more than idle gossip and misreporting.


Commercial vacancy rates falling

Wednesday’s main news story here on in relation to local commercial vacancy rates received a lot of interest and showed that Boyle is moving in the right direction. It was also an example of whither you believe the glass is half full or half empty. Here on, we believe the glass is always half full and our reporting of the positives in the GeoDirectory commercial report goes to show that there is a good story in every story. Unfortunately local print media did not look at it the same way and reported how Boyle had one of the highest commercial vacancy rates in the county which is indeed factually correct but not very favorable to a town trying it’s best to move ahead.


And finally….!

A old man went into his local pharmacy and went straight to the back of the store to where the Pharmacist’s Counter is located.
He took out his little brown bottle along with a teaspoon and laid them both onto the counter.
The pharmacist came over smiled and asked if he could help.
“Yes” said the old man. “Could you please taste this for me?”
Being a senior citizen, the Pharmacist went along with the old mans request.
He picked up the spoon and put a tiny bit of the liquid on his tongue and swirled it around.
Then with a stomach-churning look on his face he spat it out on the floor and began coughing.
When he finally was finished, the man looked him right in the eye asked, “Now, does that taste sweet to you?”
The pharmacist, shaking his head back and forth with a venomous look in his eyes yelled, “ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!”
The old man said “Oh thank God! That’s a real relief! My doctor told me to get a pharmacist to test my urine for sugar!

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