Around the County

Today is suicide prevention day

Today Tuesday September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day.

Nearly 400 lives are lost to suicide in Ireland each year; every number represents an individual who for many reasons has questioned the value of their own lives.

For every one suicide, it is estimated that 25 people make a suicide attempt. Suicide is devastating and affects over 130 people from families and friends to the wider community. By speaking about suicide, and sharing resources we are creating open dialogue around mental health and we are breaking down the barriers for those who want to seek help.

Be the light for those who may need it.

There is no doubt suicide is complex with many factors influencing suicidal behaviour, but we do know that having strong human bonds, being connected with the communities we live in, and having access to support and friendships are strong protective factors.

Family Resource Centres are fundamental to the role of mental health promotion and suicide prevention.
The work FRCs do is built on trust and lasting relationships within the communities they serve.
This trust is the foundation to effective prevention and intervention, where local individuals and FRCs utilise the strengths and resilience of communities to create awareness, educate, break down barriers, and offer solutions to the complex issue, which is mental health and suicide.

Each day hundreds of vulnerable people use the supports of FRCs.

FRCs will remain to be the first point of call for many people in distress. Having skilled staff in the area of suicide prevention, ensures those vulnerable people will to be supported and many lives will continued to be potentially saved.

You can call Boyle FRC on 071 96 63000

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