
€6,648 raised on Daffodil Day in Boyle

The organisers of last week’s daffodil Day in Boyle wish to express their gratitude to the following who helped to make this collection a success:

All the Businesses, Nursing Homes, the Yoga Class, the Staff and Pupils of Abbey Community College for allowing the collection to take place either in their premises.

Also the kind people who supplied the collectors with Tea and Coffee throughout the day.

A special word of thanks to all the Collectors who volunteered their servicers so willingly to enable this worthy collection to take place.

We also thank all the local media outlets and St Joseph’s Parish Newsletter for the publicity they afforded this collection.

Finally but most importantly we thank you the members of the public who once again contributed so generously to this worthy cause.

The amount collected for 2018 was €6,648.

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