As Christmas lights are taken down, time to say ‘thank you’

Boyle Christmas Lights Committe would like to thank all those who made the town look so well during Christmas 2021.
“As the Christmas season is now over, and our lovely lights are being taken down and stored for Christmas 2022, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all involved in Lighting up Boyle”.
“We wish to express our sincere gratitude to each of the following –
- Our local businesses and community who contributed so generously to our appeal for financial support – thank you for never letting us down
- The local and dedicated bunch of volunteers who each year brave the elements (and the traffic) to safely erect and dismantle the lights – you all know who you are. Not forgetting Eoin Rawson who never missed a night with the team despite very inclement weather conditions.
- John Keville of Keville Engineering for giving us use of his teleporter year after year and to Darren Derry for always being available to drive it.
- Our local websites and Real Boyle who never fail to promote the town and always encourage and support any fundraising activities
- Roscommon Herald for including us in their Boyle At Christmas article.
“It takes a town to make a town and our fundraiser this year has exceeded all expectations despite the community experiencing the toughest of times with Covid constantly looming over us all. Thank you all once again”.