Ballinlough boil water notice lifted

Irish Water have announced that the boil water notice for the Ballinlough\Cloonfad area, which has been in place for almost two years, has been lifted.
For over 3,600 people in the Ballinlough area who have been advised to boil their water before consumption since 29th December 2015, the Notice has now been lifted following extensive investment by Irish Water to supply clean water to the area.
In February of this year Irish Water, working in partnership with Roscommon, Galway and Mayo County Councils announced details of a €10 million investment project which would see the extension of the Lough Mask water supply to Ballinlough and Williamstown. The Ballinlough stage of the project has been completed on time as promised earlier this year with the Williamstown section due to be finished early next year.