Minister turns sod on Primary Care

Minister for Health, Simon Harris, turned the sod on the new Primary Care Centre in Boyle on Wednesday, September 7th.
Present were members of the HSE executive, Oireachtas and Council representatives and members of the public.
Follwoing the ceremony Senator Feighan said “I am delighted that Minister Harris accepted my request to turn the sod on this project, which is currently under construction on the grounds of the Plunkett Home.
“Minister Harris today performed the ceremony before he travelled to Roscommon Town to officially open the new Endoscopy Unit at the County Hospital.
“This is a great day for Roscommon where the Minister for Health will personally endorse two significant health facilities for the county.
“The Boyle Primary Centre is scheduled to open from September of next year and will offer a range of services to the local community.
“The centre will ensure that the local community has improved access to a greater range of health services on their own doorstep and under the one roof.”
Deputy Murphy welcomes Minister’s commitment
Fianna Fail Deputy for Roscommon/ Galway, Eugene Murphy has welcomed the clarification and commitment by Minister for Health Simon Harris to allocate funding of over 7 million euro for the development of a new rehabilitation unit at Roscommon University Hospital.
Deputy Murphy said that the Minister’s comments which were made at the opening of the new endoscopy unit at the county hospital today, Wednesday were over long due but most welcome.
“I have been vindicated in my stance on the issue of the rehabilitation unit and I constantly kept the pressure on the Minister’s department to clarify his position on the funding. Over 7million euro was approved for the rehabilitation unit at Roscommon Hospital in May of 2015 and the funds were to be included in the 2016/2021 capital programme. Doubt had been cast on the future of the rehab unit as the Minister took some time to clarify his position but thankfully Minister Harris has today given a commitment to move ahead to the planning stage. This ten bedded unit will service the midlands and west of Ireland and the development of the unit was one of the main projects proposed for the campus following on from the closure of the A&E services,” said Deputy Murphy.
The Fianna Fail TD said unfortunately he was unable to be present at the official opening of the new endoscopy unit due to the Dail being recalled in relation to the Apple taxation ruling but a representative was in attendance.
Deputy Murphy also welcomed Minister Harris’ comments in relation to offering a full time contract to newly qualified nurses to allow them to work within the HSE and remain in Ireland. “We have lost so many highly qualified and skilled nurses over the years as they opt for employment options overseas but perhaps some of that brain drain can now be stemmed if newly qualified nurses are offered a contract of full time work with the HSE which will also them to remain in Ireland and ultimately contribute to the economy and help improve the healthcare service,” said Deputy Murphy.