Officers elected at Boyle GAA AGM

Boyle GAA club would like to thank the large numbers who attended Saturdays Club AGM.
Officers elected were President-John Joe Nerney, Vice President-Barry Feely, Chairperson-Martin Dolan, Vice Chairperson–Kathleen Hanmore, Secretary-Mary Clifford, Assistant Secretary–To be appointed, Treasurer-James O’Boyle, Assistant Treasurer–Mary Smith, Insurance Officer–Michael Furey, Registrar–Steve Tonry, Underage Registrar–To be appointed. Childrens’ Officer- Jan Flanagan, PRO–Shane Spellman, Assistant PROs -To be appointed, Delegates to County Board–Martin Dolan and Mary Clifford (Sub Delegates–Aidan Lavin and Liam Clifford), Pitch Co-Ordinators–Martin Purcell and Aidan Lavin (Assistant), Club Lotto Co-Ordinator-Aidan Lavin, Delegates to Northern Board–Michael Brennan and Paul Beirne.