Restrictions eased from today as the country reopens

As the country gradually reopens, the following changes will come into effect from today Monday September 20th:
Organised indoor group activities
Organised indoor group activities (sports, arts, culture, dance classes) can take place with capacity limits of 100 people (with appropriate protective measures) where all patrons are immune (fully vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19 within previous 6 months).
Where patrons have mixed immunity status, pods of up to 6 participants will be permitted (excluding adult leaders/teachers)
Multiple pods will be permissible subject to protective measures.
Number of pods will have regard to the size of venue and substantial social distance between individual pods.
Organised outdoor group activities
Restrictions on outdoor group activities for participants will be removed.
Note, where applicable, spectator attendance will remain in line with regulations for events.
Return to workplaces
Attendance at work for specific business requirements may commence on a phased and staggered attendance basis from 20 September.
For more information see: