Team Michell/Monty is up and running

The recent deaths of father and daughter Michell Keenan and Frank (Monty) Montgomery left an air of sadness around the town of Boyle.
Amid all the tears and memories, four friends of Michelle’s have come together and established ” Team Michell/Monty”.
Aileen O’Mahoney, Sinead McQuaid, Noelle Higgins-McDonagh and Christine Burns (nee Callery) are preparing for the “Team” to raise funds for Breast Cancer Ireland by taking part in the VHI Mini Marathon in Dublin in June.
Here is their story:
On 6th April 2017 we lost both our friend Michell and her dad Frank to cancer on the same day.
Michell Keenan (nee Montgomery) was an inspiration to everyone who knew her. Her courage and strength never ceased to amaze us and we are all immensely proud to call this fabulous quirky girl our friend.
A few hours after Michell’s passing, her dad Frank (Monty) Montgomery died peacefully in the North West Hospice. Monty was a great character and a very well known talented musician.
We are counting our blessings (as Rev Gerry and Rev John said on the day of their burials) having known Michell and Monty……so on the 5th June, Team Michell/Monty will take part in the VHI mini-marathon in Dublin to raise money for Breast Cancer Ireland as this was where Michell started her journey many years ago.
To date Team Michell/Monty consists of Aileen O’Mahoney, Sinead McQuaid, Noelle Higgins-McDonagh and Christine Burns (nee Callery). We are hoping that other team members may join us on the day and we will keep you updated of progress.
To join Team Michell/Monty you really do not have to be athletic (with the exception of our ‘Tough Mucker’ Sinead) …..anyone who knows the rest of us can confirm none of us are athletic and have even failed to download the couch to 5k yet!!.
Michell would no doubt find it hilarious to see this group of school friends doing a little bit of jogging and lots of walking/talking whilst reminiscing about happy times. Things really haven’t changed much since trying to escape from Mr Hickey’s P.E. class !
We’re inspired by the work of Breast Cancer Ireland and wanted to support them by raising money. Please help us help them by giving whatever you can. The more people that know, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family.
All Team members have sponsorship cards if you would prefer to make a donation in the more traditional way. Thank you in advance for your generosity, we appreciate any contribution you can afford to give.
It all started with an idea……but now we all have to get up and do it….go TEAM MICHELL/MONTY.
You can donate to Team Michell/Monty here