The Boyle’d Pot 23/09/’22

Non electric cars parking in EV charging bays is causing a problem
A viewer has been in touch with the Boyle’d Pot requesting that we highlight the number of non electric cars who are continually parking in EV charging bays around the town.
In particular, the viewer highlighted (and sent in a photograph of) one car that seems to regularly park in the bay in the Royal car park, adjacent to the Post Office. The viewer wrote: Granted the Council have not properly marked out the bays in this location but the charger is clearly visible. I have been unable to charge my car on numerous occasions here over the past few weeks. Speaking to another person who drives an electric car, they also confirmed the situation and added that on occasion, motorists also cannot charge their cars on Military Road as vehicles are regularly parked in the EV charging bay.
Renewing old acquaintances at a great family day out
Last Saturday’s plaque unveiling, medal presentation and Garda Open Day were a great success. On the day, it was heartening to see many past members of An Garda Siochana renew acquaintance, some who had not seen each other since they served in Boyle and surrounding stations, a long number of years ago. There was a great atmosphere at the medal and plaque unveiling and later in the Forest Park as the sun shone for the large crowd that showed up for a brilliant family day out.
Along with celebrating 100 years of An Garda Siochana, the day also marked the reopening of the refurbished Garda Station in Boyle. The station had become very drab looking externally over the years and the works have brightened up the front of the building and will certainly compliment the new Portuguese granite paving that is planned for the public footpath outside the station later this year. Well done to all in Boyle Garda Station who applied for funding to have the refurbishment works undertaken and also for organising a great community day out last Saturday.
Could Boyle feature in a Royal visit?
A tongue in check article published in last weekend’s Irish Independent suggested what counties King Charles might visit when he next comes to Ireland with County Roscommon being one of them. The article went on to suggest that Boyle would be an ideal place for the King to visit with King House in the town. Proximity to Ireland West Airport would also be an advantage. So when King Charles next comes to Ireland and honours his pledge to visit every county in the country, let’s hope Boyle figures prominently!
Barra sees Boyle from above
A visitor to the county last weekend took in the sights of Lough Key from the air during his short visit. Barra Best may not be a name many are familiar with, but the BBC Northern Ireland weather presenter is a familiar sight on our TV screens and has a huge following on social media. Barra took to the skies from Tibohine Airfield on Saturday and saw beautiful Lough Key at it’s best on a sunny afternoon. He also visited Rathcroghan and stayed in Clonalis House. Having people like Barra Best, who has a large social media following, visit the county will be good for future tourism and the type of marketing we should tap into more here in Boyle.
Launch tonight of ‘Fir na Buille’
Tonight is Culture Night and there are a number of events planned for Boyle which are detailed elsewhere this morning here on Included is the launch of the book ‘Fir na Buille’ – The Men of Boyle’. The book is complied by local woman Anna Robertson who has spent many months interviewing, recording and transcribing conversations that she had with fourteen men from Boyle whose birth dates range from the 1920s to ‘60s. The men told Anna stories of their childhoods, youth and family years, providing photographs and memories that as Anna states, might otherwise have been lost to us. Anna is a staff member in Una Bhan Tourism and has a huge interest in tradition, memory and the preservation of local knowledge. She has recently completed a Diploma in Genealogy and Family History and is passionate about the history of her home town of Boyle. The book will launch at 6pm this evening (Friday) in Boyle Craft Shop.
Are the balloons going up?
The famous question that was asked in Boyle every September morning and evening in the late eighties was “Are the balloons going up?”. At the time Boyle was home to the annual Irish Hot Air Ballooning Championship. The event ran it’s course and due to high costs, among other reasons, the balloonists moved from the area to pastures new. The Championships continue yearly and this coming Saturday the 50th Irish Ballooning Championships will commence in Birr, Co. Offaly and will run to Friday 30th with 40 teams scheduled to participate. After leaving Boyle, the Championships moved to Kilkenny; Waterford; Athlone; Trim; Kells; Killenkere, Co. Cavan and Drumshanbo.
And finally….!
While redecorating a church, three nuns become extremely hot and sweaty in their habits, so Mother Superior says, “Let’s take our clothes off, and work naked.”
The other two nuns disapprove, and ask, “What if someone sees us?”
But the Mother Superior says, “Don’t worry, no one will see us, we’ll just lock the door.”
So the other nuns agree, strip down and return to work.
Suddenly, they hear a knock at the door, and grab their clothes in a panic.
Mother Superior runs to the door and calls through, “Who is it?”
“Blind man,” a man’s voice comes back.
So she opens the door, and lets in the blind man, who turns to the nuns and says, “Great bodies, ladies, now, where do you want me to fit these blinds?”