The Boyle’d Pot

The Boyle’d Pot 7/10/’22

Lagging behind is not always a bad thing

Recently we were informed that the parts of the North West, including Roscommon, had been downgraded to a ‘lagging region’ by the European Commission. There was uproar at the announcement by some politicians, with Roscommon, Mayo, Galway, Leitrim, Sligo, Donegal and Monaghan now seen by the EU as being significantly poorer, relative to the European average over recent years. But it may not all be bad news. Being classed as a ‘lagging region’ could and should see the above seven counties getting positive discrimination when it comes to future EU funding. Boyle has been the recipient of substantial EU funding to date and hopefully, our town will see a lot more in the next few years in light of this recent announcement.


A busy weekend lies ahead

For only the second weekend in October, it’s a busy one in Boyle. Three nights of top class musical entertainment await those who venture to King House to see Brian Farrell, Tradalac and Green Bird perform. Also on Saturday, King House will host the weekly Courtyard Market while Boyle ladies intermediate GAA team contest a county final against St. Ciaran’s on Saturday in Ballyleague at 4.45pm. Then on Sunday the annual Run Walk n Roll will take place from the Crescent at 3pm while Boyle senior team will play a county semi final at 4.15pm (see below).


Danger at pedestrian crossings

While there has been a lot of debate over the years about the location of the three pedestrian crossings in Boyle, the fact that we have three is a big bonus. But unfortunately, the crossings are quite dangerous, due to two factors. Cars are parking right up to the crossings, thus reducing visibility of pedestrians for approaching motorists. In addition, some pedestrians assume they can be seen and proceed to walk on to the crossing, believing that cars will automatically stop, which is not always the case. So pedestrians – please stop, use the lights on the crossing, wait, while remembering that not ever motorist will see the red light, and motorists – please do not park right up to the pedestrian crossings.


Stopping the spread of Covid

Covid cases are on the rise again with the new CMO Professor Breda Smyth voicing her concerns at the situation on Wednesday last.  Hospitalisation from the disease is also on the increase and added to the winter flu, hospitals are witnessing an increase in activity which puts added pressure on the system, resulting in appointment and operation cancellations affecting large numbers of the population. Hand sanitizing and mask wearing seems to be a thing of the past and all that we learned during the pandemic is gone out the window. We need to reacquaint ourselves with hand washing, sneeze etiquette and mask wearing in crowded places. We also need to revisit the perceived need to handshake at funerals even when family request ‘walk through only’.
Remember to also get your vaccine if you are in the category that is eligible for one and do not be put off by the anti vaxers who are terrorising attendees at some vaccination centres not a million miles from Boyle where Gardai have had to attend to deal with the intimidation tactics of some of those who are still against the Covid vaccine.


Good luck to Boyle senior GAA team

Good luck to Boyle senior team who participate in a county semi final this Sunday in Hyde Park. Boyle beat Michael Glaveys last week to reach this stage of the championship and now take on St. Brigid’s on Sunday at 4.15pm. If Boyle win on Sunday, it will lead to their first appearance in a county final since 1927 when they beat Donamon to take the title. Make sure to support the team by putting out your maroon and white flags in advance of this Saturday’s game for the ladies and Sunday’s game for the men.


And finally….!

Jim lived in a small town and had led a fairly sheltered life. So he decides it’s time to explore the world a bit.
He’d heard a lot about the wonders of the Big Apple, so he decides to visit New York City.
He’s wandering around Macy’s browsing when he spots a Thermos flask.
“What’s this?” Jim asks the clerk.
“Well,” said the clerk, “it’s a flask that keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.”
Now Jim may be a bit dim but he can see that such a flask could be very useful, so he buys one.
When he returns home, he takes the Thermos flask into the office to show his buddies.
“What is it?” they ask, in unison.
“It’s called a Thermos flask,” says Jim, “and it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.”
“Wow!” says his buddy, Bill, “What have you got in there now?”
“Two cups of coffee and a choc ice,” says Jim.

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