Boyle Community Notes 2/6/16

Date for your diary
Saturday 18th June: Festival of Food and Family Fun Day Event in the Ground of King House, Boyle at the Courtyard Market. More details to follow.
Tidy Estate entries being accepted
Roscommon County Council Tidy Estate Competition 2016 is now accepting applications. If you would like to enter this year’s competition or their new competition of Best Presented Street please contact the Environment Section 0906637260 for a form. Closing date for completed applications is Thursday 9th June.
Summer Show design
Boyle Summer Show committee are calling on all primary students to help design the front and back covers for this year’s catalogue. Post primary students are also being asked to design the advertising poster for this year’s show. You can drop in your entries or post them to BHSS, c/o Úna Bhán, King House, Boyle. Closing date is June 12th 2016
Local Link Route 570
Local bus service was launched on Wednesday 1st June in King House in Boyle. Two services will operate daily – the Boyle local link and the Boyle – Roscommon link.
The town service will call at King House, Green St., Bellspark, Lowpark, Mockmoyne Road, Mill Rd., St Patrick St., Bridge St., Crescent, Bridge St., Post Office, Lower Marian Rd., Church View, Upper Marian Rd., Termon Rd., Crescent, King House.
Fares for the around town service are €1 and 50c per child. Free travel pass accepted
The Roscommon link will be a hail and ride service with stops in Elphin, Tulsk, Strokestown and Roscommon.Fares on this route will be €10 return based on a sliding scale for towns in between. There will be a discount for children and free travel pass will be accepted. Speakers at the launch included Gerry Tiernan and Camilla Kelly, Local Link Roscommon, Leitrim and Sligo, Brian Nerney Boyle Town Team, Margaret Mulligan Roscommon Older Person Council and Noel Beecher National Transport Authority. The need to use the service was highlighted by all as it is a case of ”use it or loose it”. Speaking to following the launch Noel Beecher from the NTA said they hoped the new bus service would go towards eliminating social exclusion for some in rural parts of the county. A service like this, he said, was not commercially viable and that is where the NTA step in. Brian Nerney paid tribute to the Boyle Chamber of Commerce, Boyle Town and More, Una Bhan and those (including and the many businesses in Boyle) who saw the need for a local bus service and ensured the pilot Lough Key Shuttle bus was a success for the last two years. Time tables are available throughout the town.
Poetry Competition
We are delighted to announce the Boyle Arts Festival Poetry Competition for 2016.
Prizes: €250 first prize plus 2 x €50 highly commended Closing Date June 30th
Shortlisted poems will be notified ahead of the awards which will be held on Saturday 30th July in King House, Boyle. Entry €5 per poem Entry form must accompany poems.
Entrants may submit as many poems as they wish The name of the entrant must not appear on the poem itself Poems, in English must be the unpublished, original work of the author Poems must be printed on one side of A4 paper, maximum length 40 lines
Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into Poems will not be returned. Poems will be judged by Ross Donlon Ross has published 7 collections of poetry and his poems have also appeared in journals in his native Australia, the United States and New Zealand as well as Ireland including Poetry Ireland and Crannog magazine. Ross has travelled to Europe many times in the past five years, enjoying residencies in Norway and Romania, and reading in several other countries, both at festivals and as a feature reader. He was the inaugural judge of the Castlemaine Poetry Prize which has been running since 2011.
Secret Gardens
Created by two artists in an intimate rural setting, this garden combines productivity, ornamental planting and permaculture. Winding grass paths lead to ponds, developing woodland and polytunnel, one jungle-themed, one for fruit and veg. With an eclectic mix of planting and sculpture, this 16 year old garden is still developing. Open11am until 5pm on, 19th June, 10th and 30th July, 21st August and 11 September. On R361 Boyle – Frenchpark, Right after Saddlers Inn. After approx 2.5km keep right on big bend, take 2nd lane on Right. Entrance just after first cottage. Saffron Thomas and Ian Stanley 086 869 1141 Ardsoran, Lisserlough, Boyle
Free weekly 5k, timed run will take place every Saturday at 9.30am. Come and join in the run in the park.
Boyle Clean Up
Friday 10th June; Roscommon Rd/ Frenchpark Road meets at Gannons Corner at 7pm. Friday 17th June; Mockmoyne meeting at Cartys garage at7pm. Bags and gloves provided, clean ups planned for an hour all help greatly appreciated.
Curlew Walkers Club
The next meeting of the Curlew Walkers club will take place on Sunday 12th June, meeting on the Crescent, Boyle at 10am. The walk will take place at Nephin and will be a Climb/ Grade A. Your leader for the day will be Philip James 086 335 3000. Please confirm times with leader or website prior to each walk
Boyle Golf Club
The 18 Hole Stroke for gents which took place last Sunday 25th May was won by Lorcan Egan (10) 64 , 2nd Seamus Gallagher (20) 66, Gross Liam Whyte (12) 79 & 3rd Michael Reid (16) 66. The President’s Prize to the Ladies was also held on Sunday. First place went to Liz Dwyer, in 2nd Joyce Boles, Gross Tish Perry & 3rd Claire Cryan. The scramble played on Friday evening was won by Brendan Gaffney. Michael Reid & Marie Hanmore Cawley. Thursday’s Mens Open Competition was won by Sean Heslin 28pts with in second Pat Conroy 26pts. Tuesday’s Ladies 18 Hole (May 24th) was won by Lady Captain Tish Perry while in second was Carmel McGarry.
Club Matchplay
Well done to the Pierce Purcell team who beat Castle Dargan 3-2 on Saturday 26th May, with one of our wins coming on the 19th hole at home. They’re next match is a home tie against the winners of Co Sligo & Enniscrone to be played by June 19th.
Farmers Market
The Market is open from 10am to 2pm each and every Saturday in the grounds of King House, Boyle. If you would like to enjoy the best locally grown fresh and organic produce, then a trip to Boyle Farmers’ Market on Saturday should be on your agenda. There is a wide range of seasonal produce, including organic fruit and vegetables, homemade jams and marmalade, organic free range eggs, fruit juices, gluten free/ sour dough/ spelt bread and all kinds of delicious home bakes are available every week. Alongside the food stalls are a number of crafters selling their handmade wares, personalized candles and knitwear. So why not come along and have a chat with the stall holders and avail of their ideas. For further information please a call Una Bhan on 071 9663 033.
CV & Office Services
Are you looking for a new job? Are you having difficulty putting together your CV? Would you like some help? Then why not call into the Úna Bhán office in the grounds of King House, Boyle, where we will be delighted to give you any help, advice or information we can. A good CV could make all the difference in getting your job application through to the interview stage. We have a template and sheet of helpful tips to guide you through the process. We will also type your CV if you cannot do this yourself. Or you may just want to call in for a chat about your CV. All information will be treated in the strictest of confidence. For more details, contact Úna Bhán Tourism on 071 9663033. We also offer office services such as Photo Copying, Scanning, Laminating, Typing, Faxing, Binding and Printing are carried out at the Una Bhan office in the grounds of King House, for further information please contact the office on 071 9663033