Boyle golf club weekly news

Weather conditions akin to a succession of biblical plagues resulted in many of the 2nd round matches from the Spring League not taking place this week.
All members are invited to attend a meeting in the clubhouse this coming Wednesday the 14th of February at 7.30 pm to discuss a number of proposed changes to the layout of the course. A full account of the proposals is available on the club website , under the “Course” section. Many of the proposals are acknowledging the reality that some areas of the course never dry out fully in the course of a year and that cutting and maintaining these areas has become disproportionately labour intensive. It is proposed that several such areas be left uncut throughout the year. In the same vein, it is proposed that 2 open drains be created on both the 5th and 9th holes to protect the 5th green from flooding and to improve drainage on the 8th and 9th holes in the area near the 9th teebox.
There are a few other proposals including some tree-planting, re-aligning semi-rough areas and widening of hazards.
The Captains Drive In takes place on Sunday the 25th of February.