Over 500 take part in Boyle Darkness into Light walk

On a foggy but dry, 7 degree, May Saturday morning, over 500 people gathered on the Crescent in Boyle to participate in the Darkness into Light walk earlier today.
Following some pre walk songs by Leaving Cert students from Abbey College under the guidance of Lizzie Hannon, the walkers (and runners) set out at 4.15am on the Main Street, Abbeytown, Maple Drive, Carrick Road circuit which was lit by candlelight by various people from each of those areas.
Decorated stones and pebbles also lined the route thanks to students from national schools around the town.
Following the walk, refreshments were served in St. Joseph’s Hall.
The organisers would like to thank everyone who made this morning’s event possible, including the Gardai, volunteers, marshals on the route, sponsors, business owners and people of Boyle and surrounding area who were so supportive of the event and who showed what true community spirt is all about.
A final thank you to all who participated this morning and in the process raised funds for suicide awarness.
Since Darkness Into Light began, supporters have helped raise almost €29 million worldwide, which has enabled Pieta House to keep their doors and 24/7 helpline open for people in crisis, free of charge.
Read more about Pieta and their services here
(More photographs from the event are also on our Facebook page)