Boyle Community Notes 12/5/16

Friday 20th May; Lawns to Pleasure Grounds meeting in Pleasure Grounds at 7pm.
Friday 27th May; Abbeytown to Rockingham Gates meeting at St Josephs Boys School at 7pm. Friday 10th June; Roscommon Rd/ Frenchpark Road meets at Gannons Corner at 7pm. Friday 17th June; Mockmoyne meeting at Cartys garage at7pm. Bags and gloves provided, clean ups planned for an hour all help greatly appreciated.
Boyle Men’s Shed is running computer sessions at the Family Life Centre on Wednesday afternoons from 2.30pm until 4.30pm. Sessions are for those who would like to learn the basic understanding of computers, level 3 and below. Skype, Internet, email, Word are some of the apps covered. This course is open to men and women of any age. Some laptops are provided but you can bring your own laptop/tablet. Please phone the Centre on 0719663000 to book a slot.
Attention all artists, local, new, those from further afield and those under 25 – it is time to be thinking of your entry to the Boyle Open Art Exhibition. The exhibition runs this year from Friday 22nd July until Saturday 30th July. We were delighted that last year’s exhibition was well supported again, as always. We anticipate another excellent show for 2016. Entries will be accepted in any medium, to a maximum of 3 per person. Entry Forms and Condition of Entry can be received by calling into Úna Bhán Centre, Grounds of King House, email – [email protected] or call 071 96 63033.
The next meeting of the Curlew Walkers club will take place on Sunday 22nd May, meeting on the Crescent, Boyle at 9am. The walk will take place at Eagles Rock and will be a Climb/ Grade A + B. Your leader for the day will be Pamela Barnes 087 2027 513. Please confirm times with leader or website prior to each walk
At a very well attended AGM on Wednesday, our Director/Choreographer, Vivienne Moran and our Musical Director, Anne Kielty announced that Boyle Musical Society’s 2016 production will be the spectacular musical, Hairspray! With music by Marc Shaiman, lyrics by Scott Wittman and Shaiman and a book by Mark O’Donnell and Thomas Meehan, Hairspray is based on the 1988 John Waters film of the same name. The songs include 1960s-style dance music and “downtown” rhythm and blues and it promises to be one hell of a show! Rehearsals will begin on September 1st and the show will run from Wed. November 16th until Sunday November 20th. Everybody is welcome to join.
After consultation with Roscommon County Council signage will be erected in the Grange Text Alert area in the coming weeks by local volunteers. Details of the launch will be announced when all works have been completed.
Sunday 8th May saw the18 Hole S/Ford won by Martin Wynne (12) 42pts, in second was Michael Bannon 42pts, the gross prize was claimed by Brendan Gaffney, and in 3rd position was Michael Gilmartin (18) 38pts. The Golfer of the Year competition is now through round 5, and an updated leaderboard will be available on the website shortly.
Thursday 5th May saw the 12 Hole Mens Open won by Pat Conroy 26pts, 2nd Lorcan Egan 24pts, 3rd Seamus Gallagher 23pts and on Friday 6th Scramble was won by John McGuinn, Pat Conroy, Marie Gallagher.
The Market is open from 10am to 2pm each and every Saturday in the grounds of King House, Boyle. If you would like to enjoy the best locally grown fresh and organic produce, then a trip to Boyle Farmers’ Market on Saturday should be on your agenda. There is a wide range of seasonal produce, including organic fruit and vegetables, homemade jams and marmalade, organic free range eggs, fruit juices, gluten free/ sour dough/ spelt bread and all kinds of delicious home bakes are available every week. Alongside the food stalls are a number of crafters selling their handmade wares, personalized candles and knitwear. So why not come along and have a chat with the stall holders and avail of their ideas. For further information please a call Una Bhan on 071 9663 033.
Are you looking for a new job? Are you having difficulty putting together your CV? Would you like some help? Then why not call into the Úna Bhán office in the grounds of King House, Boyle, where we will be delighted to give you any help, advice or information we can. A good CV could make all the difference in getting your job application through to the interview stage. We have a template and sheet of helpful tips to guide you through the process. We will also type your CV if you cannot do this yourself. Or you may just want to call in for a chat about your CV. All information will be treated in the strictest of confidence. For more details, contact Úna Bhán Tourism on 071 9663033. We also offer office services such as Photo Copying, Scanning, Laminating, Typing, Faxing, Binding and Printing are carried out at the Una Bhan office in the grounds of King House, for further information please contact the office on 071 9663033.