Film shot in Boyle to make it’s world premier in Estonia

A film shoot on location in Boyle in Summer 2021 has been selected to make its world premiere at the “A” category FIAPF accredited Tallinn Black Nights International Film festival in Estonia later this month. It will also feature at two other ‘A’ listed festivals – the Cairo International Film Festival and the International Film Festival of India, which will also take place also this November.
‘Ann’, is based on the true story of the then 15-year-old Ann Lovett, who was full-term pregnant and subsequently gave birth in the grotto in Granard.
The feature film is set over one day – January 31st 1984, and shines a light into the last day of Ann’s life, a girl alone, abandoned by society, by its prejudices, taboos, and traditions.
It was shot at various locations in Boyle over a three week period.
Speaking recently, writer/director of ‘Ann’ Ciaran Creagh said: “We shot in during Covid, in Boyle Co. Roscommon, where we were so welcomed by the townspeople and especially the film office of the county council. It was our aim from the very start to put the story in front of the audience, in a simple and straightforward way, almost narrative documentary style and bring the audience on the journey with the story”.
Those from Boyle who assisted in the production and who stared in the film, were guests of the Hill Sixteen Features and Roscommon Co Co at a special preview of the film a few months ago in Carrick Cineplex.
You can see a trailer for the film here