The Boyle’d Pot 28/2/14

Boyle in County Calendar of Events
The annual “Roscommon Calendar of Events” December – June has recently been published and once again it is great to see Boyle featuring prominently in the brochure. Listed are the Sled Dog racing (which looked great last night on TV), the successful Cinderella Pantomime, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Pike Angling Festival, King House Historic House Weekend, Lough Key Lake Swim and the weekly Farmers Market – all going to show, if it were needed that we have so much happening right here on our doorstep.
House Prices in this Area
Media reports tell us that house and commercial property prices in Dublin are rocketing ahead, driven mainly by lack of supply. If only the same were true down this part of the country. This weeks Allsop auction, as reported in the property section of this website, saw the large office block in Carrick-on-Shannon on the Dublin road opposite Trailblazers bicycle shop sell for €355,000 – along way off what it would have achieved in the “good times”. Closer to home, one only has to check the property price register to get a wake up call with certain houses in parts of Boyle selling for €40k. There are definitely bargains to be obtained in this area for the savvy purchaser but we will never see the frenzy that is currently taking place in the capital.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Thoughts are now turning to our annual St. Patrick’s Day parade which will take place in little over 2 weeks time. The parade committee have been working diligently behind the scenes and are to be commended for their endeavours. Our parade in Boyle is probably one of the most financially attractive parades for a town of it’s size, with €1500 up for grabs in various catagories. Hopefully this prize fund will attract a large entry and that as many businesses as possible will make a special effort to participate – although you do have to wonder if those who participate should be financially driven – surely it’s a day for participation more so than winning money? St. Patrick’s Day is a great celebration of our heritage and our town and gives us something to be proud of. Let’s all make a special effort to show off everything that’s great about Boyle on the day.
Rail Line Flooding Causing Problems
The flooding on the rail line is causing untold problems for commuters. Those from Boyle to Dublin or return are faced with delays and a bus journey and a cancelled evening service. While the problem is outside the control of Irish Rail, prices still remain the same despite the inconvenience. For those affected, there is alternatively the daily bus service to Dublin but the frequency of the train is one of the few benefits the rail line has against the bus service.
And Finally….!
A man goes skydiving. After a fantastic free fall he pulls the rip cord to open his parachute but nothing happens.
He tries everything but can’t get it open.
Just then another man flies by him, going UP.
The skydiver yells, “Hey, you know anything about parachutes?
The man replies, “No, you know anything about gas stoves?